Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

It has been wonderful to see our secondary students assisting with primary students in classrooms and on the playground. Our secondary students are a positive influence modelling appropriate behaviours and setting great examples for others to follow. Every positive behaviour is acknowledged and rewarded verbally and through visible awards. 

Ways that secondary students can be positive role-models include: wearing the correct school uniform, being in the right place at the right time, using kind words, being ready for learning and looking after property and resources. 

Students learn by seeing and doing. We encourage all students to be respectful, responsible and safe in all areas of the school and community as we learn from each other.

PBL Stars who always wear correct uniform:

PBL Stars who help others:

Congratulations on being recognised for your positive behaviours.


Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal

PBL Coordinator

Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

Our classes have been busy all term working on important projects spreading HOPE and KINDNESS around our school community. It is wonderful to walk around the school and see all the great work done by individual classes and whole school projects. Next term we will focus on the character pillar of GRATITUDE.