Term 2
Term 2
Year 10 students (Macie Hepburn, Robbie Cockerell, Caitlin Charles) creating the Inspiring Indigenous Individuals wall for NAIDOC Week.
The Year 11 Biology class completed rat dissections last week with Mr. Temelkovski. They investigated key body systems - digestive, reproductive, urinary, vascular, respiratory and circulatory.
Congratulations and well done to the students for their effort and attitude for the Unit 3 practice exams of the past week. As stated earlier. Giving the opportunity for the students to be able to experience the setting out and rules of their end of year VCAA exams was hopefully beneficial and should take some of the ‘unknowns’ away.
It would also be remise of me not to mention and thank the staff who were involved in helping run the program, especially those in the year 11 and 12 community who went above and beyond what was expected of them to help support the process.
Tonight, we celebrate the End of Semester 1 with a formal gathering in the community centre. Well done to Mel Simpson, Sarah Dimovski and Sophie Hill for their leadership in organising the event. It should be a great evening and I’m sure there will be plenty of photos to follow.
Finally, we have officially entered semester 2 – or Unit 4 – for VCE. This will be a very busy time, with a lot of work for our students. So please make sure they look after themselves over the break and recharge their batteries for a quick sprint home.
The end is in sight!
ACCESS FOR SUCCESS - Year 12 Mentoring Program
Access for Success is a 10-week mentoring program for select Year 12 students attending a DEAP Partnership School, who are interested in studying at Deakin University in 2023.
The Deakin Engagement and Access Program (DEAP) aligns with the Victorian Schools’ Careers Curriculum (VSCC) to support secondary school students in their decision making about their futures. The Access for Success program is designed to maximise your success at applying for and gaining a place in your chosen course at Deakin University. The program consists of ten consecutive weekly mentoring sessions. Each session is held online and runs for a duration of 120 minutes (including a 15 minute break) with two structured parts: