Term 2 2022

Tami O'Hare & Warwick Lamb 



July 21st: Pathways Evening 6:30-8.30

This evening is an important night on the WHC Calendar for families of students current Year 9, 10s and 11s. The night will involve presentations on the pathway and subject choices available in 2023 at Year 10, VCE and the new VCE Vocational Major (that replaces the VCAL certificates). More information will be shared through compass soon, but please save this date in your calendar


26th July Year 12  Course Counselling Day

Current Year 11 students will be expected to attend course counselling on this day to confirm their program for 2023. Parents and Carers are encouraged to attend the studen’ts booking. This counselling is essential to lock in subjects, courses and VET studies for 2023. Regular classes for Year 11s will not run on this day. Information regarding booking through compass will be available shortly. 


28th July Year 11 Course Counselling Day

Current Year 10 students will be expected to attend course counselling on this day to confirm their program for 2023. Parents and Carers are encouraged to attend the student’s booking. This counselling is essential to lock in subjects, courses and VET studies for 2023. Regular classes for Year 10s will not run on this day. Information regarding booking through compass will be available shortly. 


2nd August Year 10 Course Counselling Day

Current Year 9 students will be expected to attend course counselling on this day to confirm their program for 2023. Parents and Carers are encouraged to attend the students booking. This counselling is essential to lock in subjects, courses and studies for 2023. Regular classes for Year 9s will not run on this day. Information regarding booking through compass will be available shortly. 


From 2023 we will be transitioning the VCE and VCAL to a new integrated senior secondary certificate. As part of the reform of the VCE and VCAL system, Victorian senior secondary students will this year have their literacy and numeracy skills measured against new standards in a reformed GAT.

The new standards will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training or employment

The 2022 GAT will be held on Wednesday 7 September. The slightly later test date provides the time required to ensure the revised GAT is valid and reliable, and for teachers and students to understand the changes – with the test expected to return to its traditional June date from 2023.

The reformed GAT follows a comprehensive review conducted by the VCAA. It will see Victoria join other jurisdictions who already incorporate literacy and numeracy standards as part of their senior secondary reporting. The GAT will provide specific information on each student's key skills for life beyond school.

The GAT will be split into two sections

  • Section A will assess literacy and numeracy skills
  • Section B will assess skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities, with an increased focus on critical and creative thinking skills

All student enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3-4 sequence will be required to sit Sections A and B. Senior VCAL students will be required to sit only section A.

GAT results will continue to be used to check that VCE external assessments and school based assessment have been accurately and fairly assessed. If a student does well in the GAT, they are likely to do well in other assessments. 

No special study will be required. Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.

Students will be able to show their GAT statement of results to employers, which will indicate whether they have met the literacy and numeracy standards.