Religious Education
Miss Elizabeth O'Brien | REC Coordinator
Religious Education
Miss Elizabeth O'Brien | REC Coordinator
St Vincent de Paul was born on 24 April 1581 in the small southern French town of Pouy (later renamed Saint Vincent de Paul in his honour) and ordained as a priest in 1600 at the age of 19.
As a young man, he ministered to the wealthy and powerful. However, an appointment as chaplain to a poor parish, and to galley prisoners, inspired him to a vocation of working with those most marginalised and powerless. Vincent urged his followers to bring God’s justice and love to people who were unable to live a full human life:
“Deal with the most urgent needs. Organise charity so that it is more efficient…teach reading and writing, educate with the aim of giving each the means of self-support. Intervene with authorities to obtain reforms in structure… there is no charity without justice.”
Vincent de Paul died in Paris on 27 September 1660 at the age of 79. He was canonised on 16 June 1737 and, in 1883, the Church designated him as the special patron of all charitable associations.
The St Vincent De Paul Society was named after Saint Vincent de Paul and follows his teachings and compassion for people in need. Saint Vincent de Paul is the international patron of the Society.
Noble Saint Vincent de Paul,
beloved servant of the poor,
may we follow your example and do good works
among those whom society has abandoned,
enslaved, or forgotten.
Inspire us to feed the hungry,
to love a child,
to provide comfort and medicine to the sick,
to clothe those whose garments are threadbare,
and to offer hope and our Lord’s words
to all who need respite.
Pray for us to our beloved God
that we may commit ourselves selflessly
to doing the same charitable acts
that you did all your life,
and intercede with him
that we may have the favour of his guidance
and strength and love upon this important and meaningful work. Amen.
This year we will be inviting grades to be a part of Family Masses. These Masses will enable our families to make connections with the parishioners at Our Lady of Fatima.
Here are the mass dates for Term 4:
We hope to see you there!
Miss Liz O'Brien | Religious Coordinator