Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Wellbeing Group Programs

PIVOT Wellbeing Tool

A reminder that we have been utilising the PIVOT Wellbeing Tool, that enables students to access supports and resources as required including wellbeing staff, Learning Mentors, House Leaders and other staff as required, fact and informational sheets and external supports and contacts. It also enables students to reflect on their wellbeing and what is working wonderfully and how they can improve and enhance their overall wellbeing. 

This has been a fantastic new resource accessed by the school to further assist our students’ understanding and knowledge of wellbeing. 


Managing Screen Time - School TV Special Report

For children and teenagers, there is no doubt that the Internet can be an excellent resource for information, communication and entertainment, but more and more Australian parents are concerned about excessive time online.


Today’s youth are the early settlers in a remarkable new world. Unfortunately, parents feel as though they are shut out of this world, often not knowing, nor understanding, what happens in this online environment.


It is up to parents to monitor, not just what their children do online, but also the length of time they spend online. Many of the online games children play have parental controls. However, parents do not always choose to use them. Banning is not the answer. A better strategy is to give kids access, but be informed, set some rules, monitor and supervise. To ignore this responsibility could create significant psychological and social problems for their children in years to come.


Information about setting boundaries and managing internet and screen time use, as well as recognising signs of screen addiction can be located here:


Active For Life - 10 tips to assist in managing screen time

We’ve got phones in our pockets, iPads on bedside tables, computers at school and work, and an all-you-can-eat buffet of top-quality TV and movies available whenever and wherever we want it. With so many digital diversions, it’s no wonder that the amount of time both kids and parents spend on screens is eating up a larger and larger share of our days.


Even though we all know that too much screen time is bad for our mental, physical, and emotional health, the reality is that most families today struggle to keep screen time in check. Yet, finding a healthy balance may be easier than you think.


Here are 10 ways you can help your family manage screen time:


1. Make a family media plan

It’s the parents’ responsibility to set limits for children, but kids will have an easier time accepting those limits if they feel they’ve been involved in the decision-making. Call a family meeting to share your concerns about screen time, and ask for your kids’ help to create a family media plan that will clearly define the house rules around screens. One tool that may help is the online media time calculator created by the American Academy of Pediatrics, which creates a visual breakdown of how much time your family spends on screens relative to other daily priorities.


2. Be present when screens are used

Young children get more out of educational programming when adults talk to them about what’s happening on screen. For older children, games, TV, and movies can spark important discussions about family values, current events, or create opportunities for family bonding. Being present when children are on screens also helps keep kids safe, as you can intervene if you notice that what they’re doing or watching isn’t age-appropriate.


3. Talk with your kids about acceptable screen use

Just as we teach our kids how to safely cross neighbourhood streets, cycle on the correct side of the road, and what to do if approached by a stranger on the playground, we need to teach our kids how to stay safe online and how to make sure screen time isn’t getting in the way of sleep, mealtime, playtime, or face-to-face socialising with family and friends.


4. Encourage screen use that is educational, active, or social

Screen time isn’t all bad! Encourage kids to use their devices to FaceTime faraway family members, create home movies or animations, learn more about things that interest them, or get ideas for activities, crafts, or things to do.


Related resource: Managing screen time—spread the word!


5. Help your children choose good content

For young children, look for programming that isn’t too fast-paced or energetic, with characters, storylines, or topics that reflect your family’s values. A good source to help evaluate whether a show or game is appropriate for your child is Common Sense Media. This website provides family-friendly ratings for movies, TV shows, and games as well as age recommendations and information about any sex, violence, language, and controversial themes.


6. Schedule 'screen-free' times

One small change that can help keep screens in check is to clearly outline when screens are not permitted, and for everyone in the family to put screens away for certain periods (Mum and Dad too!). You might decide that screens are not allowed during playdates, for example, or in certain places, like the living room. Some families restrict screen use either to after school or weekends, depending on their schedule. Others leave devices at home while on holidays, or declare Sundays to be screen-free. There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but it helps everyone stay on track to be clear about when your family is screen-free.


7. Turn off screens when not in use

Screens are powerful attention magnets and can distract kids from active or imaginative play. You can help your kids stay focused on other activities by turning off screens when not in use.


8. Turn screens off at least one hour before bed

Light and stimulation from screens can lead some kids to have trouble falling asleep. Switching screens off well before bedtime helps to make sure kids get to bed on time and wake up well-rested.


9. Limit screen use in public places

Handing over your phone or tablet is often an effective way to keep kids quiet at restaurants or during long stroller walks, but it’s best to save this as a last resort! Try packing a 'busy bag' with small toys, crayons and paper, little pots of playdough, or other items to give young children something to do. You can also try playing simple games like I Spy or let toddlers out of the stroller to walk or crawl around for a bit if they get fussy.


10. Make screens off-limits during mealtime

Family mealtimes are important opportunities to connect with each other, and for kids to learn mealtime etiquette and practice conversational skills. When screens are at the table, not only can it get in the way of these connections, but it can also make kids less aware of when they are full, which could lead them to overeat. For adults too, mealtime is an important time to switch off digital distractions. Most emails and social media pings can wait for your answer until dinner’s done!


Echuca Moama Youth Expo

The Echuca Moama Youth Expo is a significant community event which is targeted towards secondary aged students and showcases all of the volunteer, community service, leisure and recreational opportunities across the area. Recently the event venue has alternated between St Joseph's and Echuca College. This will be its first time back since 2019 and this year's event will be at Echuca College.


The Youth Expo has always been well supported by Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network and a wide variety of Echuca Moama organisations and businesses. This year the organising group put a call out for students from all our Echuca-Moama secondary schools to meet with Jim Gow, Community Support Officer from the Campaspe Shire and form a planning group for this year's Youth Expo. To date the group has met at Echuca College, River City Christian College and St Joseph's College. Thanks to Georgia Armstrong (Yr 8) who has represented St Joseph's on this planning group.



SchoolTV links to check out:

SchoolTV has incredible resources for you to access at any time online or on your smart device. 

If you or your student needs to contact the Wellbeing Team, please do so at, or through your student’s Learning Mentor and/or House Leader. 


Rach Chapman

College Leader - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing