1/2 Classes

Miss White, Mrs Green-Leigh & Mr Shuttleworth

Our last swim gym session

Building our vocabulary through real life experiences.

Writing in 1/2's.

We have been writing Persuasive texts!! After our jelly making, we designed doughnuts and had to persuade the class that our design was the best!!

Students gave eachother feedback
Harry's doughnut design!
Maeve practises reading her persuasive pitch!
These guys won the best persuasive pitch for their doughnut designs!!
Students gave eachother feedback
Harry's doughnut design!
Maeve practises reading her persuasive pitch!
These guys won the best persuasive pitch for their doughnut designs!!

These champions in 1/2B reached their 100 nights reading!! Congratulations.

Fractions for lunch - YUMMY!