From the Principal
and key term dates
From the Principal
and key term dates
Important Dates for Term 3
Friday 19th August - Curriculum Day
Monday 29th August - Thursday 1st September - Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 8th September - School Council Approved Professional Learning Day (Student Free) Change of Date
Friday 9th September - Division Athletics
Monday 12th September - Chalambar Golf Tournament
Tuesday 13th August - School Council
Thursday 15th September - P-2 Sovereign Hill Excursion
Friday 16th September - Last day of Term 3 - 2:30pm dismissal
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Student Birthdays
We would like to wish the following students a very happy birthday for the upcoming fortnight.
Juhkobi (1/2A)
Olliver (3/4A)
Anna (1/2A)
Henry (3/4B)
Amelia (3/4A)
Ivy (1/2B)
Raylan (3/4A)
Current Whole School Focus - Pride in our school, uniform and ourselves
Across the whole school, we are currently focusing on the pride we should be displaying to ourselves and the school. This has included many discussions with students around the wearing of correct school uniform and not drawing on ourselves or our clothing.
We understand, that on some days, normal uniform may not be dry after being washed, however, we are asking student to try not to wear bright colour alternatives, football shorts etc. If a similar colour to our uniform is available, this is the best alternative.
We ask all parents to support us and encourage their child to wear the school uniform with pride. If you require support to purchase new uniforms, please come and see me.
Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
The Department of Education are continuing to supply schools with RATs to distribute to families. If you require any tests, please notify the school office and we will send them home with your child. We will no longer be distributing them every 2 weeks.
Parent Opinion Survey
The annual Parent Opinion Survey is now open for parents to complete. All parents are invited to provide feedback through the survey portal. These results are used, in conjunction with other school data, to look at what we are doing well and what modifications we can make in our school, teaching and learning and community involvement as we move into the 2023 school year.
School Pin : 983737
The survey is open until Friday 16th September.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and parents who attended the Grade 5/6 Canberra Camp. Thankyou to Mr Ward, Mr Wright, Mrs Belden, Mr Reid, Miss Hannah, Craig Allen and Andrew Smith for the time and dedication you put in to make this a fantastic camp for the students. The memories created at Canberra Camp stay with the students for the rest of their lives. Thanks for being part of the experience.
Also, a huge thankyou to Miss W, Miss Jenni, Miss White and Miss Kennedy for running the Prep / 1 Swim Gym program . Also, thankyou to Claire Loft, Kim Tiley and Steph Neville who attended as our helpers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the 5 weeks program.
This Friday is a Student Free Day and all staff are heading off to undertake school visits. During these visits, teachers will be observing 'best practice' around the teaching and learning of Literacy. We are looking forward to this opportunity and will be using these visits to reflect on our current practices and how changes to our approach may support greater student improvement in their learning.
Parent / Teacher Interviews information will be distributed soon. This is the 2nd opportunity parents have been offered to attend a face to face, phone or WebEx interview this year. This is a great opportunity to talk to you child's teacher about the achievement they have made this year and what focusses might be in place for the remainder of the year. Please keep an eye out for interview booking information via Xuno.