Book Week News

Thank you to everyone for all of the hard work put into the Book Week costumes for our parade on Monday. It was so wonderful to see everyone dressed up and excited about the Parade. Our day was jam packed with Shortlisted Book Activities and you can see below for some reflections from the day.

Again thank you to parents for supporting this fun annual event.


Book Week was fun because we got to dress up as a character in a book. I dressed up as Elsa because she is my favourite princess. I liked reading ‘Walk of the Whales’ because the people had to help the whales and clean up the sea. Elena Prep W


I liked Book Week because I liked watching the people in the Book parade. I really liked the person who dressed like a TV character because it was funny. I dressed up as an astronaut from a Science book. I liked reading the story, ‘Winston and the Indoor cat’ because it was fun making origami cats. Toby Prep G


Book Week was awesome because we had a cool parade and my mum got to come and watch. I liked reading Winston the Cat because I have two cats by Reece 1W


For Book Week I was a devil. I liked Book Week because I got to dress up and I liked making Stellerphant’s rocket with Miss Gooden by Zara 1A


Book week was really fun because we dressed up as our favourite character and had a parade. My favourite book was Winston and the Indoor Cat and we made origami cats. Claudia 2W


Book Week was amazing because I loved dressing up as Hermione! I really enjoyed the parade and reading ‘Wilson and the indoor cat’ activity when we made cat origami! Maddy R 2S 


For our Book Week dress up day, I dressed up as an army man from the Kokoda Trail. In the morning we had a parade and during lunch time a lot of people were playing games that involved their characters. We had different activities throughout the day with the grade 4 teachers and grade 3 teachers. We read different book and did lots of activities. It was a very fun day! - Evan 3M


During Book Week I loved that everyone dressed up as book characters. It was fun to guess who everyone was. My favourite part was completing fun activities with each of the Year 3 and 4 teachers, like how we made origami birds after reading the Book of Curious Birds. I also loved reading lots of special Book Week Books. - Matilda 4L


Throughout book week my class and I got to participate in many fun activities including watching all the grades walk through the parade, cheering on classes and  reading to the year ones. On  Monday different teachers read us interesting and award winning books. In conclusion, book week was a big enjoyment and I had a great time.  I learnt new information about authors and stories while still having a great time. - Alice 5D


We loved dressing up and participating in the parade, everyone’s costumes were amazing!

The activities were fun - reading the picture story books and engaging in the activities. We enjoyed creating our ‘Dreaming’ stories and have spent time throughout the week perfecting them. Just One Bee was a good story and it was interesting investigating some of the reasons why bees are endangered and how people are trying to help them. ‘Jetty Jumping’ kept us on the edge of our seats - Would she ever jump? Grade 6



Kelly Moxon 

Learning Leader- Literacy & Maths