From Our Principal

Timothy Cottrell

Dear Families, Staff and Students,


With term three coming to an end, I am inspired by the efforts of our young people and our exceptional staff that care for them.


I speak directly to our students when I say, well done! The great majority of you have worked very hard, taken full advantage of the many opportunities for learning, discovery and growth that are present every day – and, throughout, maintained a high level of respect and support for each other.


A quick look through this edition will highlight what I mean – the rich experiences and special events in all areas across our curriculum, visitors to the college, community outreach, career planning, sporting, welcoming student visitors from other schools, special events such as Wear It Purple, R-U-OK?, and Sports Colours day…and I am only touching on a few areas….there also is the work in our clubs, the library, our staff professional learning in support of their efforts in the classroom…we are an exciting school with a great deal happening all the time.


In all of the above, I witness displays of Imagination, Belief and Courage every day at the college and in many forms. I am enormously proud and grateful for all these efforts across our community. Our staff so often go ‘above and beyond’ to make the difference for the young people in our care.


Our community will not always be aware of the efforts that teachers put in after 3.05! For this reason, I have included images of just one example of staff working late into the day…sharing and collaborating around ways to improve teaching and learning. In the pictures provided, staff are working on literacy strategies across all learning areas. 




Similar professional development sessions occur on multiple occasions every week, week in and week out all year….and our students are the beneficiaries. This warms my heart and is the reason that I’m a proud exponent of our rich public education system in Victoria.


All of us are in this together, from the front desk, through every classroom and in the grounds…both staff and students…. working to create and continuously improve upon our efforts so that our young people may attain their dreams.


My greatest pleasure has been to continue meeting and getting to know the young people of Lalor North Secondary College, whose sense of humour, creativity, care for each other, wisdom, desire to grow and learn…comes through whenever I have the pleasure of observing and speaking with YOU.


Have a wonderful and well-earned break, stay safe and keep well. See you in term four.



Timothy Cottrell





Professional Development
Year 12
Professional Development
Year 12