Principal's Notes

Dear families and friends, 


This week we have celebrated 'National Indigenous Literacy Day' and 'R U OK Day?' 

'R U OK? Day' is a national day of action and a great reminder to have that conversation to check in with families and friends.  


Thank you Parents Club

Parents Club held a meeting last week to vote on camp fees for the senior camp and the F/1 big day out.  They have been very generous in donating $3,600 to go towards the Senior Camp which pays for the bus transportation and activity costs at Sovereign Hill.  They have also decided to cover the bus hire and entry fee for the F/1 class when they go to Halls Gap in early November.


We can't thank all the parents and carers enough for the hard work that you have put into the catering and fundraising activities this year.  Fundraising definitely makes a difference and gives our students lots of support in and out of school.



This year we have seen a large increase in student absences mainly due to Covid and illness.  Where possible, please make any appointments for after school or on school holidays, as every day that a student misses school means that they have lost learning time and important new concepts taught. 


Thank you to all the families' who notify the school when their child is absent. We are using a new system, where families will receive a text reminder rather than a call from the school if they have not contacted the school already to advise us.  



Year 3/4/5/6 Camp 

The permission and information form was sent home on Thursday for all Year 3/4/5/6 students. If there are any queries about the camp, please see Mrs Brabham or Tammy. 


Schools  Records Management 

This week we have had two staff from the Schools Records Management Program in Melbourne visit the school. We are very thankful to be included in this free program to digitilise school records and old memorabilia. As the school is over 150 years old we were invited to participate in their program to:

  • build a profile for the school on the Department of Educations 150 years website
  • have specialist archivists and support staff to organise your school’s records
  • collection and transfer of your school’s permanent records to the State Archives
  • the digitisation of your school’s historic records
  • support to dispose of time-expired records

Have a lovely weekend.

Lisa Ferrier