1/2 K

We hope you have a lovely holiday

Book Week

Last week the children celebrated CBCA book week, themed 'Dreaming with eyes open'.  They had a amazing fulfilled week of activities including a parade of costumes, book week rotations, a theatre production and the book fair.

We read lots of the CBCA short listed books and visited all the junior school classrooms to participate in a special rotation of activities. In each classroom the children read a story and created a response from reading the text.  The books included, Winston and the Indoor Cat, by Leila Rudge, What Do You Call Your Grandma? by Ashleigh Barton, and Stellarphant by James Foley.

The theatre production from Perform Education presented a wonderful interactive performance that the children loved to watch.

Here are some of the photos from book week.


This week in writing the children have celebrated where they are from and where they live in Australia as part of our Celebrating differences unit for inquiry. First we read the story I am Australian too, by Mem Fox


The children have been working very hard in their circus skills this term. They are very excited to perform their tricks that they have been learning. We can't wait to see you tonight at George Jenkins Theatre.