Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 3 - Week 10


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


The end of Term Three has arrived and the upcoming holidays will bring a timely and important break for students and staff. It has been a long, wet term and many have struggled with a variety of viruses and other conditions. 


That being said, the highlight of Term Three without doubt comes tonight, as we gather together at George Jenkins Theatre to watch the children strut their stuff at the ‘S.F.X Circus Spectacular’. Every child has worked so hard this term, learning new tricks and demonstrating perseverance, teamwork and resilience. I hope everybody in attendance has a wonderful evening celebrating the amazing students in our school community.


New Playground

After a long wait, I am happy to confirm that work on the new junior playground and outdoor learning area will commence on the first Saturday of the upcoming school holidays. The builders are hoping for favourable weather, so they can be as close to finishing the work by the end of the school holidays as possible. Realistically, we aim for the entire project to be completed by the end of Week 2. We look forward to welcoming all our families to have a good look through this space as soon as it has been completed.


New Interactive Screens for all Classrooms

It is also very exciting to announce that for every class in the school, we have just purchased new, 75’ interactive screens which will replace the old IWB’s and computers in the classrooms. As is the case with the playground, we are hoping that the installation of these screens will take place over the coming holiday period.


Wednesday Lunch Orders starting next term

We have engaged to deliver lunch orders to school for any families who would like to use the service. It is completely optional if families choose to order lunches through lunchiez. 

Orders will be delivered to school every Wednesday. 

A letter explaining how to create an account and how to order will be sent to all families via Skoolbag on the first day of next term. Feel free to have a browse through the website beforehand - and make sure you click on the 'Term 4' menu to see what food will be offered. 


Operoo is up and running at S.F.X

You will have received an email recently inviting you to sign in and update student details from a program called Operoo.


Operoo is a new student management system we will be using in future. It keeps a record of students details and medical information. It also allows us to send all excursion forms home digitally,  you will no longer need to sign hard copies of forms and send them back to school. We aim to be using Operoo to send out alerts to families instead of Skoolbag, however that won't happen until later in the year.


Rest assured the email is legitimate and we encourage you to follow the link and fill in the required details as soon as possible. 


Term Four Uniform Requirements

When we return to school in Term Four, please be aware of the following requirements regarding school uniform:

  • In line with our Sun Smart policy, regulation school hats are to be worn by our students. All students are required to have a named school hat by the end of Week One. After that date, students without hats will be required to sit in the shade at recess and lunchtime. They will also be required to sit in the shade during their Physical Education lesson and additional outside activities. Classroom teachers will contact you if your child does not have a hat by Monday 17th October. 
  • Hats must be named to ensure they can be easily returned to their owners.
  • Either Winter or Summer uniform may be worn during the first two weeks of Term Four. We do this in order to allow for the often changeable Spring weather. By Week Three, Summer uniform is compulsory for all students.

Mr Cameron's big race!

Mr Cameron will be taking Long Service Leave for the first two weeks of next term. For anybody who isn’t aware, the reason that Mr Cam is taking leave is that he is travelling to Kona, Hawaii to compete in the 2022 Ironman World Championships. Mr Cam qualified for this event sometime ago and has been working extremely hard to ensure he is prepared for the grueling 3.86km swim, 180km bike ride and 42km run! 

We wish Mr Cam all the very best, as it will take a herculean effort to complete the massive course, in what will be extremely warm and humid conditions. We know he will give it his all and we can’t wait to see how the race pans out.


I would like to take the time to acknowledge the hard work of all the teachers, learning support staff and administration staff of St Francis Xavier Primary School. They have worked diligently to support the students in both their learning progression and with their social and emotional needs. I thank them all and wish them a relaxing and hopefully, sunny holiday.


I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 3rd October for the first day of Term Four.


Have a wonderful holidays everyone. 


Steve Peart

School Principal