Above and Beyond

3/4 Term 4 Wrap Up

This term has been so busy with our learning. Here is a snapshot of what has been happening in our space.



In Reading, the students have been working on consolidating their skills on decoding, using syllables,  and answering inferential questions.  We have explored elements of a very good sentence and building vocabulary by exploring synonyms and antonyms.  We have had fun reading and illustrating similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia words.  


For Writing, we have finished the term with our students completing information reports on an animal that they were interested in finding out more about. They researched their animal and began by writing their information onto a mind map. Students used a rubric to help them keep track of the criteria they needed to use to write their information reports. Students included an introduction (which included the classification), appearance, diet, habitat and interesting facts.  Students also edited their own writing and then had to make a choice about how they wanted to present their report. This week and next week students will be given the opportunity to present their information reports to their peers.



This term we have immersed our students in the following concepts:



Students made analogue and digital clocks and used them to tell the time and looked at elapsed time. This allowed the students to investigate the relationship between units of time. Some students compared 12- and 24-hour time systems and where able to convert between them. 



Students had the opportunity to work with real money during our class shop. Each student had the chance to purchase or sell goods, which helped them to understand the process of counting on or back from a money denomination. They worked out the change required for simple transactions.



Students have modelled and represented fractions, decimals and percentages. We have explored the place value system and students have compared and made connections between fractions and decimals.  Students have also been learning how to order decimals on a number line.


Students spend the first 10 minutes of every lesson playing mathematical games which target their mental strategies such as partitioning to 10 or 20, practising the recall of doubles and near double numbers and bridging 10 (8 + 6 = I know 8 + 2 = 10 plus 4 more equals 14). 

We have also introduced vertical learning where our student work to solve problems standing up using paper or laminated sheets. This provides students the chance to work closely with others and express their knowledge in a small group. 

Another fantastic resource is our new whiteboard stand up tables. These tables have already been used in our math lessons and the students enjoy standing and working at them. We will also ask our students for their input as to how they would like to use this resource. 

Faith-based Inquiry

This term students have investigated 'Force and Function' through science based experiments. They have designed paper planes and tested them to see which design flew the furthest. They explored gravity using their bodies to conduct experiments. Maybe you could test your centre of gravity at home with your child by trying the following experiments:

Experiment: Challenge 1

Get one student to sit on a chair and get another student to put a finger on their forehead. Ask the student on the chair to stand up.

Experiment: Challenge 2

A student stands with their back up against a wall. Place a coin 30 cm in front of the student. Challenge the student to pick up the coin without falling over.

Experiment: Challenge 3

A student stands with their feet apart and their head, shoulder and one foot touching the wall. Get the student to try to lift the other foot.

Experiment: Challenge 4

A student stands with their feet apart facing the wall and their head, shoulders and feet touching the wall. Get the student to try to lift a leg.

We will end our unit with students designing and creating a balloon powered car. Students were given a list of materials they could use and then they designed and labelled their balloon powered car. This week and next week they will test their car and then have the chance to refine their design.



We have also explored many of the Parables Jesus told and discovered that these stories were told to help us live a kind, caring, respectful and loving life with others.  We used our creative skills to illustrate some important words illustrated through these parables.











Through our Social Emotional Lessons we have continued to explore our feelings and how they not only effect ourselves but also the impact they have on others.  We have used a variety of stories, such as, 'Out of a Jar' and 'The Wonder of Never Giving Up' to  explore the concepts of resilience and perseverance.  We created 'Feeling Jars' that have helped us to identify and deal with our feelings.