School Events
Father's Day Pizza Night
Reminder - The school Father's Day Pizza Night will be held on Thursday 18th August in the school gym 5.30pm to 7.00pm. We look forward to a fun night!
Book Week Celebrations
'Book Week’ is a celebration held each year across Australia with the aim of bringing children and books together.
This year, ‘Book Week’ will be held during Week 7 with a dress-up day being held at Camelot Rise Primary School on Friday 26th August. The theme is “Dreaming with eyes open…”
Students are encouraged to dress up as a character from one of their favourite stories. Some ideas may include: Cat in the Hat, the Paperbag Princess, Mr Men, the list goes on…
During the assembly on this day, each year level will have the opportunity to showcase their costumes to the rest of the school community.
We thank you for your participation and efforts in this celebration of literacy. There is no cost to participate in this day.
Ski trip #2
Once again students in Level 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to hit the slopes in Mount Buller. The snow fell, the conditions were cold and visibilty was limited, however, everyone still learnt new skills either snow boarding or skiing. Our students demonstrated resilience and persistance whilst having fun. It was another great day!
Firefighter visit
Foundation students recently had a visit from Vermont South firefighters. They were taught about safe/unsafe fires, safe meeting places incase of emergency, how to call 000 and how to get down low and GO GO GO!. Students also learnt that firefighters and other community helpers are their friends and will keep them safe.
QuantumVictoria visit
On Monday 15th August nine students from Grade 5 and 6 travelled to La Trobe College to attend a lesson on coding. We learnt how to design an application using AppInventor. The best thing was we made our own text-to-speech application and learnt how to work with design items such as labels and text boxes. Behind the scenes, our lessons in Blocky code at school helped us to collect information in the text boxes to then make further steps eg to count numbers, to show pictures, to talk. This is just the beginning, as we hope to build a choose your own adventure game. Other students wanted to build games like Tic-Tac-Toe.
From Jayvier, Javen, Maven, Drew, Finn, Adam, Aiden B, and Kaylee
Victorian Premier's Reading Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge ends soon on September 2nd. Have you been reading?
Congratulations to all the students who have been busy reading books, whether they be fiction or non-fiction, poems or short stories. Remember to log your books and click “Finished” to let your teacher know that you have finished reading the book. All students that complete the challenge will receive a certificate of completion in Term 4. Enjoy!