Education in Faith

Education in Faith – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

People will come from north and south, east and west, and take their place in the Kingdom of God.

This week's Gospel reading is the third of three parables in chapter 13 that deal with the theme of the unexpected reversals brought by the Kingdom of God. The other two parables are about the tiny mustard seed that grows into a large tree and the small amount of yeast that makes a large batch of dough rise. All three are about the few and the many and the Kingdom of God.


As this parable opens, Luke reminds us that Jesus is making his way to Jerusalem. This journey, this exodus as Luke refers to it, makes up the entire middle of the Gospel. He is teaching as he goes. A question from the crowd gives Jesus the chance to make a prophetic statement. Luke uses this question device a number of times in his Gospel. A few weeks ago, the question “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” led to the parable of the Good Samaritan. The question about will only a few be saved uses typical Christian language about salvation but also expresses the Jewish concern about whether everyone who calls himself a Jew is actually faithful to the covenant. This was a concern of the Pharisees.


Jesus answers that they must strive in the time remaining to enter through the narrow door because many will be trying to get in but will not be strong enough. He then moves to a parable about another door. Once all those entering the master's house are in and he locks the door, there will be no way for others to get in. Those left outside may knock, but the master will say he does not know them. Unlike the Gospel reading from a few weeks ago where Jesus was teaching about prayer, and we were told to knock and the door would be opened, in this parable, the master will not open and say he does not know us. People from the north, south, east, and west will take our place inside. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets will take our place in the Kingdom of God. Those who do not make it through the narrow door will be cast out to where there is wailing and grinding of teeth.


The image of the door is replaced in the final verses of the parable with the image of the heavenly banquet. Two passages from the Book of Isaiah influence the conclusion. Isaiah 43:5-6 speaks of God bringing Israel's descendents back from the east and from the west, the north and the south. And Isaiah 25:6 speaks of the Lord providing a feast of rich foods and choice wines for all peoples on his holy mountain. The answer to the question if only a few will be saved is no. In the end, many will be saved, but many who thought they would be saved will not be saved. The parable is a prophetic warning to repentance in order to enter the kingdom.


Discussion Starters

  • What is Jesus’ message about who can get into the kingdom of God?
  • Why might the Jews of Jesus’ time resent non-Jews being accepted into the kingdom before them?
  • When have you wanted to be part of something and not been allowed or able to participate?
  • Does wanting to belong or be accepted always lead to good outcomes?
  • From today’s gospel and reflection, what action can you commit yourself to for the coming week?


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose






Teachers have been busily giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given last week were:


TERESA – 155            MACKILLOP – 126               BOSCO – 119              PATRICK – 85            


Congratulations to Teresa this week again! What a great effort!!


The total points for the Community Spirit Award this year:


1st                    TERESA                      2102                           

2nd                   MACKILLOP             2067   

3rd                   BOSCO                       1956   

4th                   PATRICK                    1850   


Well done Teresa for still being in the lead!!!    But let’s see who will be leading next week!!!


Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again collect the point sheets and add the points so that we can give students and staff an update through Morning Gathering on Wednesday and parents will be given an update via the newsletter.


Can’t wait to see who is leading next week after more House points have been distributed!!




Mini Vinnies are also helping P&F by counting the bread bags brought in so far. These will be added to the points for our Community Spirit Award, as not only are we helping our environment by recycling but we are also helping to provide sports equipment for SFS. 


So keep bringing in your bread bags. We’ll provide an update once we have finished counting the bags.


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies