Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Andy McNeilly

Growth Mindset

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” Napoleon Hill


Anxiety and Resilience Parent Workshops:

Tuesday 30th August: 9.15am

Tuesday 30th August: 7.30pm


In person, at OGPS. All welcome. Bookings essential – click this link to book


Dear Families,


Growth mindset could be defined as one’s ability to believe in themselves, to grow and develop through dedication and hard work. Growing can involve taking on challenges and learning from our failures. It is these struggles and failures that can help develop our resilience. Sometimes we may experience anxiety when we think about difficult challenges, but I reckon this is all fairly normal. And this feeling of anxiety could be a sign telling us that we may need to take on some more challenges. 


In the workshops being held next week, we’ll be talking about the importance of anxiety and how it can help develop resilience. You can expect to leave with some simple and practical ideas that will help you and your children be better at developing resilience and dealing with anxiety. 


Here are a few ideas that you could do at home when thinking about growth mindset:

  • What mistakes have you made lately? What did you learn from making those mistakes? Discuss.
  • Talk about a challenge you would like to face this week. Consider setting a goal to achieve this challenge.
  • What is failure? Talk about a time when you worked really hard at something but did not achieve your goal. What did you learn on your journey? What successes came out of your failure to achieve your goal?
  • Discuss what you have been working hard on lately. How have you improved since you started?

“What can I learn from this? What will I do next time I’m in this situation?” Carol Dweck.


Next term, I’ll be running a workshop for dads with a special guest… stay tuned. 

Have a great week.


Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator