Classroom News

In the Classrooms

Students have been writing Narratives and will present these in the last week of Term. They have planned their narratives and have been working on their first or second drafts before completing the final copy to present.

Predicting has been our focus for reading and students have picked up this skill really well. They are able to make a prediction before, during and after reading and use evidence from the text to say why they have made that prediction. We will now look at questioning while reading.


In Maths, place value has been a big focus this term and we have seen great improvement across all year levels with their knowledge of place value. We have also looked at time and will now look at location and transformation.


Cultural diversity has been a focus for our Inquiry unit this term. Students have looked at their own lifestyles including family, jobs, clothes, food, shops and other aspects of their own culture and have now been researching this information about a different country so they can make their comparisons. Students will present this information in the last week of term.


Wednesday 20th March was the International Day of Happiness. We spoke to the students about what happiness means and they decided it was about doing things that made yourself and other people happy. Our literacy block involved the students finding a piece of writing that made them happy and writing something to make someone else happy. An example of students’ work is from Natalie who knows that Bryce loves robots so she wrote him a story about a robot and did some lovely drawings to go with it. Their whole day challenge was to do as many random acts of kindness throughout the day as possible, which one student stated we should be doing everyday anyway. What a wonderful world that would be if we always left people with a smile.