Senior School News

Well, time has moved quickly by, as we begin Unit’s 2 & 4. Students should have started preparations for exams, which will be held in Week 9/10 for Year 12’s.
Victoria University
Mrs. Cutajar has begun working with Year 12 Homegroups to provide information to students for the process of applying for tertiary courses. This will be further support by the excursion to Vic Uni Footscray on the 18th July. There is no cost for this excursion. Please return forms to the office by the end next week.
Day of Immunology May 3rd
Moya, Kristine, Eleyna and I attended the Peter Doherty Centre in Parkville, to listen to a range of speakers talking on the immune system. We heard from:
The lecture was introduced and chaired by Associate Professor Sammy Bedoui, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunology.
Topics discussed:
- Professor Mimi Tang, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, on Allergy.
- Professor Benjamin Marsland, Department of Immunology and Pathology, Monash University, on Bugs.
- Dr Misty Jenkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, on Cancer treatments.
VCAL students are extremely busy the last few weeks of term.
Monday 17th June
Year 12 – session 2 – Melton Youth Services visit
Year 12 – session 3 and 4 – ATO guest speaker
Year 11 – session 2 and 3 – Glenn Manton visit
Year 11 – session 5 – Melton Youth Services visit
Monday 24th June
Year 12 and Year 11 VCAL – All day – Invited to take part in Safe Food Handling Certification
Great work Mrs Sant and Team.
Year 12 Biology- Scientific use of Yeast
Thanks to Emily Rizanyi, Mrs.McCullogh, KSC Staff and all the other very kind people who have donated items to our cupboard. The Year 12’s have expressed their gratitude to all. As we approach winter, items to make soup using our slow cookers would be gratefully received.
Year 12 Legal Studies
Thanks to Ms. Panagiotidis for organising the His Honour Judge Saccardo from the County Court to visit the Year 12 Legal Studies with a lecture on the ‘Judicial Powers of Case Management. Students were actively engaged in the lesson, and came away with new knowledge and respect for the legal system
Free Unit 3 Revision
The Australian Catholic Uni is providing free lectures for Unit 3 English and Further Maths at the Catholic Regional College 4th July.
WHAT IS INCLUDED? • Two hour workshops. • Workshops are delivered by highly experienced teachers with an in depth knowledge of the curriculum. • Participants will be guided through a revision of the content delivered in Unit 3 and receive study tips and advice in preparation for Unit 4.
All this is offered at no cost to participants. So I highly recommend that students register.
Register online at
Study Tips
Do you read your notes or text-books silently to yourself or do you re-write materials as part of your learning process?
Did you know that both of these techniques are the most ineffective and time-consuming means of committing knowledge to memory? Yet these techniques are the most common strategies used by students to commit knowledge to memory!!!
Re-writing and/or reading silently are simple tasks that do not engage many zones in your brain. It is therefore easy to stray or think about unrelated matters – impairing the amount of information that can be input to memory.
As an example, whilst reading a book, have you ever reached the bottom of a page and asked yourself:
"What did I just read?"
So what is the easiest and most effective way of committing knowledge to memory?
By Reading Out Loud!
A more powerful technique involves teaching someone or something! By teaching or vocalising what you are learning in your own words, you will very quickly realise what you do and do not know - and you will be committing knowledge to memory at the same time.
Learning in this manner will decrease study time by at least 8 fold.
This also means that you will commit 8 times more information to memory in any set period of time!
You will also find that this technique will improve how much you understand and remember, how much you recall, as well as how effectively you are able to apply and extend your knowledge; which is highly important in answering analysis questions as well as worded applications