Year 11/12
Senior School Key Dates
10 - Yr. 12 Career Action plans Commence
21 - Special Consideration Applications Due
9 - Labour Day
11 - Toni Jordon Author Visit
26 - Final Day for Yr. 12 Career Action Plans
27 - End of Term 1
Year 11
Welcome back Year 11 students and new enrolments to Year 11. We are really pleased to share that the year 11 students have settled into the year really well.
Year 11 Staff Members:
Senior School Assistant principal- Ms Freeman
Year 11 VCE Team Leader- Ms Corney
Year 11 VCE Assistant Leader- Mr Savio
Year 11 VCAL Leader- Ms Greenwood
Year 11 VCAL Assistant Leader- Mr Culbert
Career Advisor- Nancy Huez O’Rourke
VET Co-ordinator- Liz Hassell
Wellbeing Co-ordinator: Marianne McEwen
Year 11 Home group Teachers:
11A - Mrs Taylor
11B - Mrs Mears
11C - Mr Thomas
11D - Ms Pace
11E - Mr Fearnett
11F - Ms Hindby
11G - Ms Hall
11H - Mrs Sood
11I - Mr Porter
What the students can expect this year:
- Knowledge and content
- A range of assessment types
- A range of programs to support their learning
- Advice in future pathways planning
- Support, encouragement, assistance, guidance
What the staff will expect from the students:
- Commitment to their studies
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Completion of work
- Meeting deadlines
- The College has an expectation that students undertaking a unit 1 & 2 subject will undertake 2-3 hours per subject per week of home study and students undertaking a unit 3 & 4 subject undertake 3-5 hours per subject per week.
- This should include homework, revision, completion of assignments, extension work, study and preparation for SAC’s and study for examinations.
- Students need to balance home study with part time employment, sporting and social commitments.
- Students who are engaged in more than 12-15 hours per week of outside commitments find it extremely difficult to perform to the best of their ability in their VCE studies.
- If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s academic, social and/or emotional well-being, please contact your child’s home group teacher, alternatively you can contact Elise Corney or Justin Savio
Parents and Compass
Compass is a great tool for communication with the College. Parents can access Compass for the following:
- Approve and give reasons for absences
- Monitor student progress by viewing learning tasks for each subject
- Access progress reports (every 3 weeks)
- Accessing the Compass Calendar for SAC dates / important dates
- Approve excursions and incursions that need parent permission
- Email and communicate with teachers
If parents do not have their password, please contact the College
Senior School Homework Club
Senior School Homework club is running every Wednesday night after school from 3:00pm-4:15pm in the Yellow Building. It’s been great to see so many students working with teachers to improve their results.
Northern Territory Tour 2020
Currently we have 32 students who have signed up for the Northern Territory Tour for 2020. The tour date is Friday June 19th- Tuesday 30th June. The cost is $2200.
See below for the payment schedule (payment plans are also available).
There are spaces available so if any students are interested please contact Ms Corney on the College number 5990 0200.
Payment plan
Following is a payment plan to ensure the tour is fully paid before we depart for the Northern Territory. Please pay the amounts on or before each date as money is continually forwarded onto the tour company.
Date | Amount | Total |
Thursday 19th September | $300 Non - refundable deposit | $300 |
Friday 25th October | $350 | $650 |
Friday 29th November | $350 | $1000 |
Friday 21st February | $300 | $1300 |
Friday 20th March | $300 | $1600 |
Friday 17th April | $300 | $1900 |
Friday 15th May | $300 | $2200 |
A student meeting will be scheduled later this term to go over the equipment list, dietary requirements and T-Shirt sizes. A parent information session will be scheduled early Term two to go over final details.
Year 11 VCAL
VCAL Homework Club (Year 11 and Year 12)
VCAL Homework Club will run on Tuesday’s after school from 3:10pm to 4:10pm, in OP01/OP02, starting on Tuesday Feb 11th. This is an excellent opportunity for you to come along and receive extra support with your schoolwork. It is very important that you work productively during these
sessions and maximise the time available. This is a supervised session where one or more VCAL teachers will be available to help you with your work.
Consent forms for VCAL Homework Club are available from Mrs. Greenwood in the Year 11 office.
Year 12 VCE
It’s been a busy start to the year for our year 12 students, starting with the orientation camp, followed by verification tests for every subject. Although completing year 12 can be quite stressful, it is also very rewarding. We are very proud of them for undertaking this challenge and are really excited to be sharing this exciting journey with them!
The Year 12 VCE Team for 2020 is as follows:
- Mrs Carys Freeman – Senior School Assistant Principal
- Mrs Kelly Jessop – Year 12 VCE Leader
- Miss Veronica Guthrie – Year 12 VCE Assistant Leader
- Mrs Suzanne Arnott – 12D Home Group Teacher
- Ms Laura Blackson – 12F Home Group Teacher
- Mrs Chris Davey White – 12G Home Group Teacher
- Mr Jason Darlington - 12H Home Group Teacher
- Mrs Nancy Huez – VCE Careers Advisor
Please contact the leaders or home group teachers should you have any queries or concerns.
Important notices:
Special examination arrangements
Students are eligible for Special Examination Arrangements if it can be demonstrated that their capacity to access a VCE external assessment is impaired due to a:
- ´ severe health impairment
- ´ significant physical disability
- ´ hearing impairment
- ´ vision impairment
- ´ specific learning disorder (previously referred to as learning disability)
- ´ severe language disorder.
Applications for Special Examination Arrangements for each student must be made through appropriate school personnel, be endorsed by the principal and be supported by recent medical or other specialist reports.
If you think your child may be eligible for special provision, please contact Mrs Jessop ASAP.
Equipment and books
By now all students should have purchased the necessary equipment and textbooks and be fully prepared for their classes. Families who are experiencing difficulty in obtaining these items should contact the Year Level Team for assistance.
VCE calendar
Please be advised that the VCE SAC Calendar is live on compass. You are able to access this and see when your child has a SAC/event coming up. If your child has multiple SACs on the same day, please ensure he/she sees the year 12 leaders to reschedule a SAC.
Extra support classes
Year 12 students are strongly encouraged to attend the additional support classes that are offered for VCE students at CESC:
- Study club runs every Wednesday afterschool until 4.15pm. Students have access to their teachers for any help they may require and have the opportunity to form study groups with their peers.
- Extra English support classes run on Wednesday morning from 8am, and Friday afterschool. These classes are extremely beneficial as they prepare students for their SACs and end of year exam.
Senior School Progress Reports
Individual student performance will be monitored and reported to parents every three weeks via compass. The purpose of progress reports is to ensure that:
- There is timely feedback given to students and parents
- Students do not fall behind in their studies
- There is appropriate support for students
Supporting your child through VCE
Parents and caregivers are integral in supporting their child through VCE. The most effective ways a parent/caregiver can offer support are the practical, physical things and to keep a close eye on their son or daughter’s mental/emotional health. Here are some tips:
Health - physical
· Encourage healthy and regular eating – breakfast is vital!
· Encourage daily exercise – half hour minimum
· Encourage adequate water intake – aim for 2 litres per day
· Encourage adequate sleep – 8-9 hours, no late night study - it doesn’t work!
Health – mental/emotional
· Guide, support and encourage your son or daughter. Don’t nag and tell them they will fail if they don’t work harder
· Take their efforts seriously. Encourage them to believe in themselves and their ability to do their best
· Let them know you are there when they need you and encourage them to communicate, in particular if they are feeling overwhelmed and/or struggling
· Keep an eye on their mental health – look for changes in mood, sleeping/eating patterns and/or behaviour. If concerned speak to the school’s VCE coordinator, teacher or member of the wellbeing team or your family doctor
· Help them keep the year in perspective. Encourage them to do their best but don’t overwhelm them with pressure, expectations or negative comments. Aim for encouragement, praise, support and realistic expectations of their academic performance
· Remember people often become super sensitive and explosive under pressure - family members may be the first target. Try not to overreact or personalise!
Study specific
· Set up a study friendly area – quiet, well lit and free from distractions
· Encourage regular study breaks – stretch, grab a snack, fresh air/power walk
Other tips
· Encourage your son /daughter to limit gaming/social media time
· It is still important for your son/daughter to have some relaxation and fun time
· Encourage your son/daughter to avoid or limit part time work – 10 hours maximum per week
· Limit their other responsibilities including domestic chores
Year 12 is an exciting, challenging and demanding year. The reward at the end of all your hard work will stay with you for your entire life! So work hard and make the most of every opportunity you get this year!
Year 12 VCAL
VCAL Homework Club (Year 11 and Year 12)
VCAL Homework Club will run on Tuesday’s afterschool from 3:10pm to 4:10pm, in OP01/OP02, starting on Tuesday Feb 11th. This is an excellent opportunity for you to come along and receive extra support with your schoolwork. It is very important that you work productively during these sessions and maximise the time available. This is a supervised session where one or more VCAL teachers will be available to help you with your work.
Consent forms for VCAL Homework Club are available from Mrs. Greenwood in the Year 11 office.