Year 7/8 News
First day Year 7 2020
Junior School
What a fabulous start to the year we have had for all students across the junior school.
It has been great to see everyone getting into a routine and meeting the high expectations both academically and in regards to our policies and procedures.
This term is a short one but so much has already happened!
We have seen the commencement of special programs in the junior levels, including Connect 4 Success and Hands on Learning. These select entry programs are up and running with students reporting their positive experiences.
We have also had photo day and our sports teams are up and running – so don’t forget to sign yourself up/have your children sign up, if they are interested. Just listen out for announcements and information in the daily bulletins.
Breakfast Club has also started, along with Magic Club, Diversity Club and Games Club will be up and running next week.
Our Year 7 campers are off on Monday 24th February and we wish them happy adventures throughout the three days.
Just a reminder about the need for hard, black polished leather, lace up shoes for school. We highly value the safety of our students and it is vital that the correct footwear is worn to Science and Technology based subjects.
Looking forward to a great year ahead and getting to know as many students and families as possible.
Kind regards,
Linda Buckeridge
Year 8 News
30th January 2020: the first day of the school year. Term 1 started with a BANG! A whole new Year 7 Cohort moving into our old locker area. It was at that moment when we realised, that we would be role models for the entire year level below us! As we started our first term of 2020, we continued to follow the newest and biggest school rule – no phones on school grounds. Students began to realise that using our phone during school breaks wasn’t the only thing we could do. Todd the youth worker introduced so many activities for everybody to participate in, like: Mindful Monday, Open Gym Tuesday, Wednesday’s Girl’s Gym and everyone’s favourite, Friday’s Slackline Competition. Students also were given the opportunity to join different clubs like Breakfast Club, Homework and Study Club, Diversity Club and Culture Club. This term has been filled with so many fun events, making the term fly by.