

Thankfully, students have returned to our physical school at St Anthony’s, and as a school, we have hit the ground running. Assessment of both mathematics and literacy began on Wednesday, and this will continue until the middle of next week. 


We are assessing students to evaluate our distance learning program and how this will impact future teaching. We also intend to use the data for the remainder of the school year to target our teaching to ensure maximum growth for every student. 


Initial assessment data corresponds with educational researcher Hattie (2020), who states that “Most students will not fail, go backward, or turn off schooling – indeed many will take the change in their stride, the reboot on return will quickly make up for lost weeks, and we will again discover that students are much more resilient than many consider them to be.” 


We look forward to sharing this data with you in the coming weeks.


Lauren Maidment

Mathematics Leader