Food Technology News

Food News ~ Guest Speakers and great Designs….
Over the past few weeks our Food Students have been Designing and Producing some wonderful dishes inspired by demonstrations undertaken by their Food teacher.
We have been thrilled to premier a new initiative called ‘Food Stories to Inspire’whereby visiting Guests present their Food Story to the students via Microsoft Teams.
A BIG thankyou to our Food Technology Assistant Maria Cogger in being instrumental in organising the first of our guest presenters.
Over the next term we will have more presenters from all aspects of the Food industry (Scientists, product developers, Business Owners, Chefs).
Our First two presenters, Melanie and Jim were fabulous and provided our students with a wealth of knowledge from Vocational avenues to Business Strategies, Food Trends, Innovations, Marketing and Following your passion to make a difference.
Melanie Lionello
(Nutritionist, Recipe Developer, Coles Ambassador, advisor on Global scale to many Renowned Food companies and Instagram ( From My Little Kitchen)
Jim Chrysostomou
(Restaurant Owner/Head Chef of Eos Greek Restaurant in Greensborough & wonderful VBC parent)
Marta Caflisch (Year 10)
I found our recent guest presenter Mel super interesting and informative. Not only was her story of how she ended up in the food industry and the work she does now interesting but she shared some really useful information about career paths and subject choices. Personally, I learnt about all the different ways you can tie food into your career and how there are so many different ways to end up in your desired profession, not just university. I think guest presenters, for any subjects, are a great way to see how your interest in a subject is reflected in different careers which helps when considering what you would like to do in the future.
Year 8 and 9 Home Prac
Below are the Years 8 and 9 home prac photos!
They have been cooking up a storm in isolation and we are very excited to get them back into the kitchen in Term 4!
Ms Robertson & Ms Stray