Important Dates

College Calendar
The College Calendar is updated on a regular basis and can be found on our website under the News/Events (at the bottom of the page) and then by clicking the Calendar/Term Dates link.
Friday 18th September
VCE English practice exam (p1 & 2)
End of Term 3 - 2.30pm dismissal
Monday 5th October
Term 4 commences
Tuesday 6th October
Friends of Health and Wellbeing (FOHAWB) Meeting 6.30pm (online)
Wednesday 7th October
General Achievement Test (GAT)
Thursday 8th October
Friends of Music (FOM) Meeting 7.30pm
Friday 9th October
VCE Units 3/4 Maths (Furher of Methods) Exam
No Yr 12 classes today
Tuesday 13th October
Facilities Meeting 6pm
Wednesday 14th October
Year 9 Elevate Study Skills
Friday 16th October
Last day VCE Unit 4 SAC/SATS
Monday 19th October
Year 10 Virtual Work Experience
Tuesday 20th October
Year 10 Virtual Work Experience
Wednesday 21st October
Year 10 Virtual Work Experience
Finance Meeting 6pm
College Council Meeting 7pm
Thursday 22nd October
Year 10 Virtual Work Experience
Year 12 Dress Up Day
Friday 23rd October
Grand Final Public Holiday
Monday 26th October
Year 12 ASHA Revision Lectures
Tuesday 27th October
Year 12 ASHA Revision Lectures
Friday 30th October
Year 12 Final Assembly