From the Deputy 

Teaching, Learning & Assessment


Dear Families,


Our students have achieved a great deal this term and I would like to thank our staff and families for everything that they have done to enable this.  I have an immense sense of pride in the way that our community has come together to ensure that our students continue to learn throughout Distance Learning 2.0.


You may have noted through the Distance Learning plans that teachers were engaging the students in regular assessment tasks across the term.  This is what we refer to in education as 'Assessment For Learning' or formative assessment. Teachers then use this assessment to plan learning tasks with a focus on what the students know and what their next steps are. Assessment is an ongoing and continuous process that is conducted throughout each and every school year and is a key characteristic of effective teachers. 


For our students, assessment will continue throughout Term 4 and will be organised around the staggered return to onsite learning for the Prep - Year 2 students and the Years 3 - 6s.  I encourage families to read through the Distance Learning plans to note what assessment arrangements specific teachers are making for students in the early weeks of Term 4.  If your child is being assessed remotely, please do not assist them with the task.  This inhibits a teacher from making decisions about the learning needs of individual students.  


Teachers will also be engaged in a process where they evaluate the evidence they gather from students to ensure that each student continues to demonstrate growth along a learning continuum.  This is a collaborative process and is often completed in teams so that valid, consistent and on-balance judgments are made.


Teaching and Learning Feedback Survey


At St. Anthony's we aspire to further strengthen the relationships between students, parents and teachers about learning. Strong relationships such as these allow us to develop partnerships that enable the full flourishing of every student.  As such, we invite all parents to complete a short three question survey about teaching and learning at St. Anthony's.  Please follow this link to access the survey.


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and a great holiday.


best wishes,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning Leader