Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Parents are advised that Junior School co-curricular sports photos will be taken on Tuesday 22 September. These photos will be for both the summer and winter sports. Photos will be taken in the College Hall and start at 8.35am with representative and squad photos and continue through the day with team photos. All photos will be completed by the end of the school day.


All Junior School students are to wear their College Supporters Uniform (black polo) on the photo day. Boys are to bring to school with them their playing uniform for the sport(s) they have played for the College this year. This will include boots for the winter sports. Please be aware that NO mouthguards, head gear or shin pads are required for the photos. It is expected that all uniforms are in a neat, tidy and clean fashion for the photo day.


If your sons have represented the College in a squad (Swimming, Athletics, X-Country) they will need to be wearing their black supporter’s polo and the College tracksuit pants for these photos. If they have been successful in gaining further representative honours such as IPSHA NSWCIS or State, boys should wear their rep uniform for photos in the morning.


Unfortunately, with the current climate, boys will not be able to borrow any items of uniform. This will mean that, anybody forgetting part or all of his playing uniform on the day of the photos will not be able to be involved with his team. 


A timetable will go up shortly in the classrooms for the boys to become aware of their times. Details relating to the purchase of photos online will be forwarded to parents via Mr Fochesato’s Especean article in the near future.


John Locke

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular