Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

Swimming Program

The Foundation, Year 1 & 2 Swimming Program commenced last week. The students are thoroughly enjoying themselves and learning many life long water skills.


Here is what some of the students have said about their swimming experience:


I am learning to swim faster and lots of water safety ideas. Seb 2G

I am learning how to swim safely in shallow and deep water. Ana 2P


I am learning how to breathe bubbles in the water and to stay in the water for longer times. Jonathan 1H

I am learning how to float on my back and I like jumping into the pool. Lily 1K


I am learning how to get into my breathing position and to keep my legs up in the water. Benjamin FE

I am learning how to kick on my back. Olivia FP


Enjoy the photos. 


Visitors & Volunteers

Just a friendly reminder to all parents and carers that engage as visitors and volunteers at our school, even if it's for assembly or Mass, to please sign in at the office before moving elsewhere throughout the school.


The safety of our students is our priority therefore, we ask for your support and co-operation in this area.

Senior Camp 2023

It's that time of year when we commence forward planning in readiness for the 2023 academic year. This includes preparations for the 2023 Senior School Camp which will be held at Candlebark Farm in Healesville.


The Candlebark Farm Camp will also include a stop over at Healesville Sanctuary.


The dates for the camp are Wednesday 29th - Friday 31st March 2023. A letter to families will be shared on PAM next week. The summer holidays is a great opportunity to have discussions with your child about camp, preparing them for time away from home.


Further information will also be shared with families, including a Camp Information Meeting for parents and carers in the new year.