From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


Winner winner!

A huge congratulations to Vanessa in Year 6 for a wonderful achievement in this year's DOSCEL Christmas card competition. Vanessa placed in the top 10 and will receive a certificate and prize shortly.

Foundation 2023 Orientation 

It's all about the preps at the moment! We had our first transition session last Thursday and it was a joy to watch the youngest members of St Therese's community exploring the Foundation classroom. With a mix of existing and new families, there was a lovely buzz in the staff room as parents and carers began getting to know each other and sharing some of their stories. We can't wait for the little people to visit again this Thursday - I hope they are just as excited!


Staffing for 2023

I am just waiting for a few pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to slot into place and then I will be able to share with you which teachers will be in each year level next year. I do however, wish to take this opportunity to share with you that we will be saying a sad farewell to Carmel Perrins, Cathy Colaciello and Samantha Petrova at the end of the year. They have each made wonderful contributions to our school community and will all be greatly missed. Meghan Brockman will remain on maternity leave for the first half of the year. I am delighted to announce that we will be joined on the teaching staff by Ashleigh Olive, Liz Szabo and Patrick Pawlukowski and Susan Omond will be joining our education support team.


Japanese Day Reminder

Next week we have a fun day of all things Japanese planned. I am delighted to invite parents and carers along to enjoy our special concert at 12.00pm. If you are attending, please ensure you sign in at the office first.


School Fees

A friendly reminder to families who have not yet settled their accounts for 2022 school fees. These are due by the end of November. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the office to discuss this.


St Therese's Christmas Concert

Make sure you have this special event in your diaries!!


Prayerful moment

The Our Father is a central prayer in Christianity and is used as a personal, a communal and a liturgical prayer. It is found within one of the best known parts of the gospel – the Sermon on the Mount in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Therefore it is within the context of the Beatitudes and Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God. It actually makes reference to the Kingdom of God.


In the Lord’s Prayer, Christians are invited to give praise and glory to God and pray seven petitions. The first three petitions are addressed to God and are about God’s name, God’s kingdom and God’s will. The last four petitions ask for our needs so that we can be Kingdom people. 


In a Catholic Mass, the Lord’s Prayer follows the Eucharistic Prayer and is seen as a preparation for Communion. Everyone stands for this prayer and it is immediately followed by the Sign of Peace.


Take some time this week to reflect on, and pray, the Lord's prayer.




Have a great week,

Felicity Broughton
