Presentation Nights

Rev. Dr Michael Battersby

Primary Presentation Night

There’s an obvious sense of engagement and excitement about parents seeing their children perform, receive awards and graduate. So much so that our auditorium was filled to capacity.


This year, each year group joined forces to present a unique interpretation of a Christmas song, and the choreography, teamwork and vocal execution were splendid right across the board. Parents could see one example of the hard work put in by students and their teachers.


Each performance culminated in the prize winners stepping out of their class group and proudly receiving their glimmering glass statuette from Mr Elder.  (Click here for a list of award recipients)


Mrs Clifton did a great job programming the night and has certainly got the students, staff and families on board for an exceptional journey.

Secondary Presentation Night

We witnessed the changing of the guard as the Year 11s took their place in representing the secondary school body. It was wonderful to see such a broad representation of students in each year group claiming their well-deserved prizes for scholarship, application and citizenship. (Click here for a list of award recipients)

It was Mr Elder’s final address to the College and our Board Chair, Mrs Tammy Fenwick, with the help of our very grateful outgoing Captain Savannah Easter presented our Principal with one last gift from the school.

Our Praise Band teamed up with the Primary Choir to inspire the proceedings with a rousing rendition of "How Great Is Our God",  a sentiment and truth we certainly hold dearly at The King's College.


Students had finished their day with a Last Day Bash of fun yet still carried themselves with respect and dignity as we applauded our hard-working students and newly elected leaders.


Happy holidays, everyone, and Merry Christmas!