Principal's Address

All Saints Day and All Souls Days
Our prayer focus this week includes All Saints Day, which we celebrated on Tuesday and All Souls Day, yesterday.
All Saints Day is a surprisingly old feast. It arose out of the Christian tradition of celebrating the martyrdom of saints on the anniversary of their martyrdom. When martyrdoms increased during the persecutions of the late Roman Empire, local dioceses instituted a common feast day in order to ensure that all martyrs, known and unknown, were properly honoured.
In our contemporary world All Saints Day offers a chance to look to our spiritual forbearers, those holy men and women who are models of love and fidelity. It is also an opportunity to reflect upon our baptismal gifts and to bring God’s love to those we meet on a daily basis through our words and deeds.
The day after is known as All Souls Day, a day to remember and offer prayers on behalf of all who have died. This year, we offered the opportunity for parents/carers to join us in the Peace Garden on this special day, when staff and students traditionally light a candle to remember a loved one who has died. A special Mass is celebrated at Sacred Heart Church each year at this time to pray for all those from the parish who have died in the last twelve months.
We pray:
Jesus, dear Saviour, on All Souls Day
we prayerfully remember all our loved ones who have died.
Please give them comfort and hope and may they be at peace,
Knowing that they will rest in God’s arms eternally.
Thank You for our memories of them and for the good times we shared.
We ask You, please, through their intercession,
To deepen our faith, strengthen our hope and increase our love
That we, too, may someday stand before You, ready to enter Your Holy Kingdom. Amen
World Teachers’ Day – 28 October
World Teachers’ Day last Friday was an opportunity to celebrate teaching and a chance to thank our dedicated Mater Dei teachers. They have gone above and beyond to provide every possible opportunity to the students in their care. Thank you, teachers!
Student Departures at the end of 2022
Please advise the College in writing if your daughter/son is not returning to Mater Dei in 2023. Parents/carers of any departing students must complete the College Clearance process to formally conclude the enrolment and advise their child’s future school if they are under the leaving age of 17. This process includes the return of College resources and finalisation of any outstanding fees.
The final day for students in Term 4 is Friday, 9 December. Staff are involved in Professional Learning during the following week.
Term 1 2023 Commencement Dates
To assist parents with planning for the beginning of the next school year, we would like to advise the following arrangements:
Term 1:
- Friday, 27 January – Staff Professional Learning Day
- Monday 30 January – Year 7 and Year 12 commence Term 1
- Tuesday, 31 January – Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 commence Term 1
Full details can be found on the College calendar on the website.
School Fees 2023
A reminder that all School Fees for 2022 must be paid in full by Friday, 2 December. CEDWW, who oversees School Fees across the Diocese, has set the 2023 Fees. Details may be found here:
Clergy Announcement from Bishop Mark
Bishop Mark has announced that Fr Bradley Rafter will be administrator of Sacred Heart Parish in 2023. Please see correspondence related to that appointment here.
Please keep our Year 12, 2022 students in your prayers as they conclude the HSC this week. We also pray for members of our community who are unwell at this time. In the spirit of Catholic Mission, our fundraising focus in October, we pray for the vulnerable children of Ethiopia and those around the world.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal