Senior School Early Commencement Program

Senior School Early Commencement Program
Over the past two weeks our 2023 Year 11 and 12 cohorts participated in our Early Commencement Program. This involved attending a full timetable of their classes and beginning Unit 1 and 3 content for VCE and VCE Vocational Major (VM) in preparation for next year.
To begin the Year 12 program, students attended an excursion to RMIT University where they had an opportunity to think about their future beyond Epping Secondary College. They completed a variety of activities that included reflecting on their progress and setting goals for their final year of schooling. Students also worked collaboratively in teams to brainstorm what a successful Year 12 student looks like and were introduced to their new Year Level Coordinators, Sue Kanidiadis and Michael Contarin.
Additionally, our Year 12 VCE cohort participated in an Elevate Education incursion and were fortunate enough to hear from an experienced guest presenter who provided tips and strategies around studying, time management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
When students were asked, “what was the most important thing you learned today?” some of the responses were:
- “Breaking my tasks down and setting attainable long and short term goals”
- “Don’t stop doing the things you love”
- “Procrastination, solutions and time management”
- “The importance of making an effective study group”
- “How to manage the workload”
- “How to make a good study timetable”
- “To schedule priorities first”
It’s been fantastic to see our Year 11 students also stepping up to the challenge of their new courses and learning as much as they can about VCE and VCE Vocational Pathways Certificate (VPC). They have enjoyed getting to know their Year 11 teachers and new Year Level Coordinators, Martin Evans and Steph Temos. This has been a huge learning experience for them and we are impressed by the maturity and resilience we have observed this week.
Overall, we had a fantastic two week program with our Year 11 and 12 students. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable school holiday period and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2023.
Melissa Foresio
Senior School Leading Teacher