9 Math ACE - Aust Synchrotron Facility

On 15th November, the year 9 Math ACE students and a group of year 10 Advanced Math students went to the Australian Synchrotron Facility in Clayton.
We were given a detailed tour of the facility and learned that they accelerate electrons to create a light beam used for many purposes such as: medical, environmental, forensics, biosciences and many others. The light beam helps discover things risk free like looking into an encased fossil without breaking it, doing precise 3D x-ray videos, uncovering secret paintings and much more.
We also did many mini activities to get an idea of how the Synchrotron functions. We listened to a pharmacist who uses the Synchrotron for research and we had the chance to ask him some questions.
We found out that the facility is shared nationally and internationally and is free to use when it is for the good of the community. The trip was very informative and fun and the experience is definitely one we won’t forget.
Victoria Liew - 9ACE Math