
Le forme Geometriche  (Geometric Shapes)

During Term 4 in Italian, the children in Years 1-6 have been learning Italian from a Maths perspective.  They have been learning all about Geometric Shapes (Le Forme Geometriche).  The children discovered that a geometric shape can be defined by the number of sides, the size of its angles and its dimensions. They were able to name 2D and 3D shapes in Italian and they enjoyed playing a game called ‘Indovina la forma’ where a child guesses the shapes from the description given. They also learnt all about Tangrams.

They were able to say in Italian what shapes make up a tangram and used their problem solving abilities to create different images. The children used Languagenut an online language program to reinforce new language learnt and practised their Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing skills through fun activities and games.   

Le Favole- Fairy Tales

In keeping with our Inquiry unit of Fairy Tales in Prep, the children studied a unit of work called ‘Numbers and Fairy tales' (Favole e Numeri).  As a class we watched two videos called ‘‘I Tre Porcellini’ and ‘I Sette Capretti’ in Italian. They sequenced the stories of ‘I Tre Porcellini’ in correct order and were able to retell what happened in the story. The children used their prior knowledge of numbers to complete activities based on the fairy tales and they used dice to work out a simple addition sum and wrote the answers in Italian.  Most of all they really enjoyed playing Buzz.  

Kind regards


Signora Gina Michieli

Italian Specialist