At the end of  Term 3 we had Footy Colours Day! A day filled with fun and during our PE lessons, we played lots of AFL inspired games. We also had a competition for the longest kick and most accurate handball. The students who won the longest kick were, Saskia from Prep, Ollie from JLC, Thomas from Year 3/4 and Fin from Year 4/5/6. The students who won the most accurate handball were Evie from Prep, Giovanni from JLC, Ashlee from Year 3/4 and Mackenzie from Year 4/5/6. We finished footy colours day with a special lunch that was delicious. I loved seeing all the students dressed in their favourite teams footy colours and really enjoying the day. 

During Term 4, the students in Year 4/5/6 participated in a Battleball Gala Day which is similar to the game of Dodgeball but with modified rules to ensure participation, even if a player is out. 


The students had fun and were active for the whole day. The sportsmanship shown was great to see as well as the leadership skills displayed by so many of our Year 4/5/6 students. 


The Junior school during Term 4 have been increasing their gross motor skills by doing a range of games that strengthen parts of their body that they don’t normally use. They walked with their hands on the ground do activities like placing cones on top of witches hats and walking on all fours through a ladder. The students had a lot of fun racing each other in these activities and found walking on all fours difficult but hilarious. 

Mr Jack Cirillo

Health and Physical Education Specialist