Sport Update

S.Bejain - Sports Coordinator

Gala Day 

After 2 cancelled Gala Days, students in the Summer PSSA Teams were finally able to enjoy a day of sport and competing with other schools in friendly matches. Thank you to all of the coaches involved for their commitment to their students and training teams during lunchtimes and recces. A big thank you to all of the parents for their support and being great cheerleaders for their children. 


Students engaged in many matches throughout the day against schools within the Horsley Zone. They showed fantastic sportsmanship across the day. Hopefully next year we will recommence the usual weekly PSSA competition for summer sports. 


Touch Football 

George 6B - "Gala day was really fun! I met people from other schools through what I love and got to have a great time with my team. Win or lose, every game was amazing and fun".

Legacy 6B - "Gala day was fun because it was our last sports day to play against other teams and play with our friends and classmates".



Li 5/6C - "Gala Day was really fun and even though the other team lost they were still respectful and showed sportsmanship. I met a lot of new people and had a fun time". 

Newcombe Ball 

Sapphire, Skylah and Malina 5N -  "Gala Day was a splendid and enthusiastic day. We had loads of fun playing against other schools. It was quite challenging but in the end we had a wonderful time. The day was all about having fun with our friends. It was a tiring day, yet it was a blast". 


Kiara 4W - "Gala Day was a fun and athletic day where my team and I had lots of fun and we had a lot of sugar. Some parents came and dropped off some ice-creams and ice-blocks. We had two each! That was so much sugar. The Newcombe Ball team won all the games and that made me so happy". 


Motaz 4H - "T-Ball on Gala Day was really fun. We got to play against other teams from different schools and make friends. I recommend people to try out for T-Ball and try out for new sports". 

Aaliyah 4H - "I enjoyed Gala day but it was a hard day for us because the teams were tough.  I had fun fielding and batting with my team". 


Kristian 6T - "The games were very interesting and we got to play different teams. It was very competitive, with different schools having different game play". 

Jakov 6T - "The games were quite interesting when we had to verse the other teams. They were very hard and challenging. Overall, it was a good day". 



Jessica 6T - "It was an enjoyable day playing against other teams". 

Audrey 6T - "It was a nice day and our team seemed like we were having a picnic day!" 

Ball Games Carnival Try Outs 

Last Friday, students in Years 3-6 were given the opportunity to tryout for their house tunnel ball and captain ball teams. Congratulations to the students who have made it into a team. Theses students will now have a couple of weeks of rigorous training in preparation for the Ball Games Carnival in Week 9.


It is a close competition between Cambridge, Parkes and Macarthur in the house points championship and it could all come down to the Ball Games Carnival. The Ball Games Carnival will be held on Friday in Week 9.