5/6FA- Literacy

Mr Anania

During the past week students in 5/6  FA have been busy finishing the class text Little Brother by Allan Baillie. The story is about a boy alone and in danger escaping the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, as he tries to find his brother. Students have been reading chapters discussing the themes, answering questions and exploring the various techniques used by the author. In Writing 5/6 FA students have been planning and creating a narrative about ‘The Portal.’ They have been asked to use their vivid imaginations to plan and write their story that will capture the attention of readers. Students are using various language features like figurative language, descriptive language and action words that will make their story more interesting.


Below are some comments from 5/ 6  FA students about their Literacy work.


I am interested to find out if Vithy finds his brother in our class text- Little Brother- Andrew


It is great that l can use my imagination to write my Narrative.- Lucinda


Students in 5/6 FA are reading this exciting book as part of their reading program.









In Writing 5/6 FA students are creating a narrative about, ‘The Portal.’