From the front desk 

A note from Heather and Brooke 💚 


About Remembrance Day

When is Remembrance Day? 

Remembrance Day falls on the 11th of November each year. On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, a minutes’ silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation. 

In Australia and other allied countries, including New Zealand, Canada and the United States, 11 November became known as Armistice Day – a day to remember those who died in World War One. The day continues to be commemorated in allied countries. 

After World War Two, the Australian Government agreed to the United Kingdom’s proposal that Armistice Day be renamed Remembrance Day to commemorate those who were killed in both World Wars. Today the loss of Australian lives from all wars and conflicts is commemorated on Remembrance Day.

What is the origin of Remembrance Day?

11 November is universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the First World War. This conflict had mobilised over 70 million people and left between nine and 13 million dead and as many as one third of these with no grave. The allied nations chose this day and time for the commemoration of their war dead.

At 11 am on 11 November 1918, the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. The allied armies had driven the German invaders back, having inflicted heavy defeats upon them over the preceding four months.

In November, the Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted the allied terms of unconditional surrender. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month attained a special significance in the post-war years and became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war.

Why is this day special to Australians?

In 1997, Governor-General Sir William Deane issued a proclamation formally declaring 11 November to be Remembrance Day, urging all Australians to observe one minute silence at 11.00am on 11 November each year, to remember those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in all wars and armed conflicts.

On 11 November at 11.00am, we will pause to remember all of the men and women of the Australian Defence Force who have made the ultimate sacrifice.



We will remember them. Lest we forget.







As we are quickly making our way through term 4, we would like to encourage anyone who is wanting to enrol their child for Prep 2023 to please come and see the office for an enrolment pack ASAP so that we can finalise classrooms and teaching staff. 





Updating Information

Has your personal contact details changed? It is very important that the school has your most update information and that when these details change that you notify the school in writing by email. 

Have you moved House?

Have you changed occupation and or jobs ?

Does your school have your current mobile numbers or email ?

Do you need to update your emergency contacts for your child?

If any of these apply please email the office on





Annual Photo OPT OUT google form 📸

During the school year there are many occasions and events where staff may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including to celebrate student participation and achievement, showcase particular learning programs, document a student’s learning journey /camps / excursions/sports events etc, communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters, our website and schools social media platforms. 


This notice applies annually to photographs, video or recordings of students that are collected, used and disclosed by the school. If you have previously OPTED OUT and wish to continue this please complete the form below. 


 We ask that any parents/carers or other members of our school community photographing, filming or recording students at school events (eg concerts, sports events etc) do so in a respectful and safe manner and that any photos, video or recordings (“images” of students are not publicly posted (eg to a social media account) without the permission of the relevant parent/carer .If you do not understand any aspect of this notice, or you would like to talk about any concerns you have, please contact our school on 95838342 or email 


Only if you DO NOT wish for your student to have their photo taken, be included in videos or have their voice recorded for 2022, please complete the form found at,


We ask that you also please inform your student of this decision, so they can be aware that they cannot be in any situation that may capture their image or voice. 

Thank you kindly




Working With Children's Check WWCC 

The Working with Children Check is a screening process for assessing or re-assessing people who work with or care for children in Victoria.   When volunteering at School or school events ( eg. Swimming, excursions)  you must provide a WWCC. 

Volunteer WWCC's are free and take 3 to 12 weeks to receive, depending on whether Working with Children Check Victoria need to investigate your application.


Who can apply -


Apply now-


Uniform & Lost Property 

Our Lost Property baskets are overflowing. Please ensure you come before the end of term to go through and collect any missing items. All items left after the holidays will be placed in the uniform cupboard or thrown out. 


Please ensure you label your students uniform so that if it ends up in lost property is can be returned. We have had a number of students lose clothing and some may have possibly put them in the wrong bag. Can we ask everyone to please check for names and return any items that may have been places in the wrong bags. 


PS. Our wonderful fundraising team have a special deal on labels on the Social & Fundraising News Page 👍


Thank you 



Classes 🏫

00A - Narelle Diggins - ES Kelli Colvin & Gemma Baker 

00B - Olivia Pinzone - ES Aimee Vuong & ES Ni An 


12A - Madeleine Simos - ES Shellie Ryan 

12B- Anna Verrios - ES Mersa Keskic 

12C - Richard Earl - ES Jacqueline Buchan 


34A - Kayla Mugford - ES Katy Kritharidou 

34B -  Emily Tremewen - ES Giancarlo Siclari 

34C- Candice Nassim -ES  Clare Ellaway 


56A - Nick Duckett - ES Anna Ottersbach - ES Sam Boontjes



Student Medications and Action Plans 🚑


It is important for our school to have an updated copy of an Asthma Action Plan, Anaphylaxis and/or Allergy Plan for the health and wellbeing of your child and to adhere to our school policies. These forms need updating yearly to comply with our management policy. 


To help us complete this process, it would be appreciated if you could please arrange to have the form/s completed. Please note your doctor needs to prepare and sign this form. 


It is also important that you come past the front office to replace any medication that is out of date or no longer needed.  If your child does not already have medication at the office and needs it, please provide all medications with names to the office ASAP. 


If you have any questions, or would like a copy of the forms please contact the front office


Thank you for your help in managing this. 




Compass Login

If you do not have a Compass account or have forgotten your Compass Login, please see us in the front office for help 🙂


Attendance - Absent 

For any unexplained absences, you can either update this through Compass or let us know at the office the reason for your child's absence.

Thank you 🙂


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund



The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

From 2020, the Victorian Government is investing an additional $160.9 million for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund over the next four years. This funding will help ensure more than 220,000 government and non-government students from lower-income families are able to participate in camps, sports and excursions each year.

Who can apply

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over term one and two.

Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.




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Riddle Time 🤔






Answer -  9





