Student Achievement Awards - 7/11/2022


Nayoung, you showed such enthusiasm and were ready to Zoom, Zoom, Zoom throughout the concert! You sang beautifully and should be incredibly proud of yourself.


Henry, you showed such responsibility and integrity during the concert. You were an excellent role model to your peers, leading them on and off stage.


Zachary you were a purple people eater superstar! You demonstrated so much energy and enthusiasm in the concert. During practise you were focused and always helping others. You sung beautifully and gave it your all. You should be so proud of yourself!


Congratulations Charlotte on your amazing performance in the concert. You showed lots of enthusiasm and were a fantastic role model for the other students in your class. Well done!


Congratulations Aiden on your amazing writing. You are now writing correctly on the lines and have written some great 5 star sentences. These included detail and information you had researched and put into your own words. Well done, keep up the great work.


Great work in your writing this week Savannah! Your draft for your information report about Kangaroos included some very descriptive sentences and engaging vocabulary. Excellent effort!


Well done Rachel in your Maths this week, you created a colourful bar graph showing class data and wrote some thoughtful interpretations about what the graph shows. Great work, keep it up!


Maanya, you demonstrated a great willingness to give things a go and to be your best at our Space Spectacular Concert. After being away, you learned the words and actions quickly. You also bravely took on the role of Mercury last minute. Well done, superstar!


Well done Cindy on having such a positive attitude towards school! Every day you show enthusiasm for every task and it has been great to see you add descriptive detail to your mandala writing to enhance it further. You should be proud of your efforts! Keep up the terrific work!


Congratulations Chenelle for your consistent efforts in producing work to a very good standard in all areas. Chenelle is a very focused learner who has worked hard in maths to improve both the speed and accuracy of recalling number facts. Keep it up, Chenelle!


Congratulations Alex for being a thoughtful and caring member of our class. It was pleasing to see the time and effort you put into your graduation poster paragraphs. You are a Super Star.


Congratulations Christina on the excellent job you did at the Concert. Your enthusiasm was contagious and I loved how confident you were while you spoke in front of the audience. Fantastic job!