
2022 Book lists

Please note the Years 7-12 book lists are now available via the College website. Instructions for ordering items via our book supplier Ziggies are included in the book lists. 


Jessica Bouwman

Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Years 7-11 Semester Reports

Please note Years 7-11 Reports will be available via SEQTA Engage on Friday 10 December. The Semester Two Report provides details of a student’s academic progress and work habits in each of their courses. It contains grades and statements about a student’s work habits throughout the year. For Option classes the information represents a student's progress throughout the semester. The report for each course also provides the Course Average which indicates the average numerical result for all students studying the course. This is provided as a useful indication of a student's ranking in relation to the cohort. Where applicable, examination results are also be included. 


Jessica Bouwman

Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Academic Review

The end of the school year is a wonderful time to reflect on the year that has been – to celebrate the achievements and to identify focus areas of growth for the following year. It is important that this is a conversation between the parents and the student, that is informed by more than numerical results on the academic report. Students should be encouraged to review their year and identify the courses they enjoyed, the skills they developed and the challenges they overcame. These are all important milestones in a student’s educational journey and should be acknowledged as such. I hope all students will reflect on their school year with their parents and be proud of their accomplishments and most importantly be proud of their personal and academic growth.


Jessica Bouwman

Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

First Lego League

On 27 November, the JTC Robotics Club participated in the First Lego League Regional Competition at St. Stephen’s School – Carramar.   Our two teams, The Mojang Mekaniks and RoboHoops, made significant gains on the day raising their scores by 50 points over the course of the competition.  The teams prepared every Tuesday and Sunday for the last semester, building solutions to a logistics problem and engineering and coding a robot.  The judges were very impressed with their solutions and coding.  We are proud of their persistence and efforts this year, and look forward to a strong return in 2022.  

Anna Davila

Head of Learning - Technologies


West Tech Fest

Yesterday, the Year 9 Digital Technologies team of Jacob Davila, Max Wishart, Joseph Kilcullen, and Zach Ferguson-Allen competed in the Just Start IT Hackathon for the Homeless and won the top prize, each taking home an Amazon Echo.  They then pitched an app they developed over the course of Semester 2 to an audience of 400 people at the West Tech Fest.  The group were runners up, winning a cash prize of $500.  The boys created an app to assist schools in raising money for Perth-based charities. They partnered with Food Bank and Shopfront to build an app that would support their marketing needs and encourage students to donate as a competition between houses.  They will continue to develop the app and pitch again next year. 


Bill Quartermaine

Director - Inquiry & Innovation

Australian Mathematics Competition

The Australian Mathematics Competition is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of Mathematics in students’ everyday lives; it is open to students in Years 3 to 12. 


Best in school: Matthew Mignacca

High DistinctionDistinction

Matthew Mignacca

Oliver Syminton

Dominic Jeffery


Yihyeon Cho

Nicholas Hie

Carla Kavanagh

Elise Kwei

Lily Lucas

Sasha Pallis

Luca Robson

Xavian Tong

Thomas Walsh

Georgette Watson


Year 8



Year 9

High Distinction


Year 10



Remy Bardinet

Luke Carrello

David Gardner

Matthew Gardner

Olivia Gardner

Joshua Tyson

Austin Vujcich

Amelia Watts

Luisa Parish

Bianca Petsos

Joseph Kilcullen


Jodie Cockerill

Xavier Jeffery

Eloise Loveridge

Caleb McKeiver

Maya Mintz

Genevieve Moody

Eva Papantoniou

Geordie Stickland

Yuka Yamada


Oscar Bryant

Joshua Counsel

Anthony Karafilakis

Samuel Laing

Ian Lawrence

Conor McCormick

Benjamin Mignacca


Micah Week

Micah Week is the culmination of Year 10, involving all aspects of the core College values – competence, compassion, conscience and commitment to God and the service of others. The name ‘Micah’ has its origin in the following quotation from the book of Micah: ‘to act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’. The week includes a combination of exams and preparation for Year 11 and adulthood.


On Monday, the students participated in a study skills workshop with Jane Genovese. Students also listened to the experiences of recent Year 11 Pilgrimage attendees Eve Alvarez and Lydia Davila. Declan Fyneman (class of 2021) and Ashlee Smith (class of 2020) discussed how they successfully navigated their way through their Uni-Transition and Uni-Direct pathways.


A visit to UWA followed Tuesday’s final exam. The students and staff toured the spacious campus in Nedlands and experienced a day in the life of a university student. This experience was followed by a Wednesday visit to Notre Dame University in Fremantle. Students and staff were able to tour the campus and listen to the enthusiastic tour guides about what Notre Dame is all about.


Mr Adrian Sims prepared a Wednesday morning sustainability activity for the year 10s, involving the planting, watering, weeding and general maintenance of the garden managed by the sustainability club. Students thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty and contributing to a more sustainable environment.


The students participated in the WA Rotary RAC Road Safety Day at the Claremont Showgrounds on Thursday. Presenters covered topics such as – braking distance, road awareness, road safety and guest speakers who discussed their experiences of road trauma and how to best prepare for driving on the road. Students enjoyed a lunch specially prepared by the Rapid Response Team.


Micah week concluded on Friday, starting with our final Mass as a year group. Following Mass, students competed in the Micah Cup. The competition is House based and involves a round-robin completion of challenging activities for the Michael Berry trophy. The trophy honours former staff member Michael Berry, who passed away in 2002 and was instrumental in the lives of so many staff and students throughout his time at JTC. Congratulations to Koolyangarra House for winning the 2021 Micah Cup. Finally, a quiz afternoon and variety show entertained the students over periods 5 and 6. With questions broadly testing the skills and knowledge of the students, it was pleasing to see the positive spirit in which the students approached the event.

Mr Andrew Osnain

Assistant Deputy Principal – Year 10

Transperth - School Service changes

Term 1 - 2022

Services often change at the start of the school year. These changes include School Specials, as well as regular routes that service schools in the area. These changes are made in order to offer the best possible service across the network. Students intending to travel to school via public transport should:

  • Check for information. As services change, website information will be updated
  • Plan your journey prior to the start of school. The Journey Planner will be updated with the new school services two weeks prior to the start of school. Remember to change the date in the Journey Planner to the first day of school
  • Not every school will undergo changes, however all students should plan their journey before starting the new school year.



Luca Lee, Conor Bradley, Hamish Peirce, Jagger Nener, Zac Tangney, Nick Prichard and Noah Boruff. (Daniel Edmondson absent)
Luca Lee, Conor Bradley, Hamish Peirce, Jagger Nener, Zac Tangney, Nick Prichard and Noah Boruff. (Daniel Edmondson absent)

In Term 4 we have participated in the Perry Lakes Hawks Basketball School Competition for Years 7-9. The JTC Jets (Year 7 Boys) finished top of the ladder with a clean 5-0 wins.



Sara Kononen

Head of Sport