Evie's Creating Calm Counselling

At GGLPS my counselling focus is on supporting students and families to flourish by fostering positive mental health and wellbeing through individual, small group, and family counselling.  We provide pro-active programs which provide skills and strategies for self-care, maintaining positive relationships, positive learning behaviours, belonging, and strong connections with family and community. 



This is the time of year in which there is much excitement about the upcoming holidays, Christmas, New Year, fabulous weather, and catching up with family and friends.  It is also the time of year in which staff, students, and families think about transition, whether it be starting a new school, a new year level, a new class/teacher, or for the early years, starting school for the first time.


Transitions can be very exciting. For some, transitions can be a very anxious and stressful time as students and families prepare for the change ahead. Following, are some links to some websites which may be helpful in providing useful strategies and guidance for parents and families. 


First Year of School:






Secondary School:




Students with additional needs:




Evie Donoghue

School Counsellor