
Primary Years Program at GGLPS

GGLPS teaches the Australian curriculum using the Primary Years Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate as a framework to impart this. There are many different aspects to the Teaching and Learning program of the school and these are some of the rich learning experiences in which the students are involved.

Mastering the Art of Transitioning

Transition is the time of changing from one condition or place to another. In schools, some transitions are easily recognisable. We have the new foundation class transitioning into their new class in preparation for next year. The Year 6s are having transition days in their new secondary schools and are working through a variety of rituals and traditions that take place at the end of primary school. 


While these times are recognised as milestones in children’s lives, they are not the only transitions. As students move from one class, they engage with new environments, teachers, students, routines, and expectations. Some children revel in newness and thrive on the excitement that newness can bring. Some children can don’t feel comfortable with change and can seem to struggle for a time. 


Successful transitioning:

  • Is something that can be learned. 
  • Is something that can be supported
  • Requires planning
  • Requires communication
  • Is different for every child

GGLPS has a process of transitioning that includes move up morning at the beginning of Week 9. For students who find change more difficult, extra time getting to know teachers and environments is arranged. At home, there are some ways in which parents and families can help transitioning. Some helpful tips include:

  • Acknowledge that children may feel safe and at ease where they currently are: acknowledge the sadness in moving on, but do not dwell on it.
  • Acknowledge that holidays are for enjoying time with family and a time to not have to think about school for the major part.
  • Discuss positive points and things to look forward to. If it helps, create a list that can be added to as the time comes closer.
  • Work towards planning a ‘slow’ ending to the holidays so that children are rested and ready for the new term.
  • Be open to discussions about feeling uncomfortable with perceived changes that may occur: One of the most prevalent fears in change is fear of the unknown.

Remember that transitioning is something that can be learned. The teachers are already beginning to prepare for 2022 and they will spend the first weeks of the new school year, developing and growing the learning community where children feel safe and belong.


Every blessing for the holidays!


Jayne Zadow

PYP Coordinator