R.E. News

By Sonia Costa

Please Note:

Here is some important information about Term 4 First Eucharist Celebrations which were postponed until Term 1 2022 -  We now have the dates for these masses:

Saturday 26th February at 5:30pm

Sunday 27th February at 10:00

A further letter will be sent home with these dates and other information on which you can indicate which mass you would like to attend.



Don't forget about the parish website which has fabulous articles and children’s activities. Also each week in the Family Page and Fun (scan QR code to go straight to page)


section of the website there are links to that weekend's Gospel activities. There are two gospel links: one for the juniors and one for the seniors. These activities can be downloaded and printed or just viewed. These worksheets will help the children understand the gospel message for that particular reading.





Please take a look at the Parish Newsletter too. There is lots of great information and inspiration in this document each week.
