2021 Year 6 and 7 Graduation 

Graduation Celebrations 2021

Well it's the end of an era at Magill School as we farewell Year 7 students for the very last time. The Department for Education move of Year 7 to High School has meant that 2021 presented us with challenges and opportunities for two graduating year levels, as our Year 7 and Year 6 students leave us. What a significant moment in time for these students to be a part of, the last Year 7's at primary school and the first Year 7's in high school for 2022. 


We hope our graduating students leave with a strong sense of themselves as individuals and a developing sense of their role in the greater community. Our aim as a school is to not only provide students with an education to enrich their lives and provide opportunities in the future, but to assist our students in developing their sense of self, their character, what they stand for and what they want to be known and remembered for. Primary education is an opportunity to try many things, and at Magill School we are proud to offer opportunities to suit many needs such as through music with our Instrumental Music program, through sport with our after school sports program and SAPSASA teams, academic clubs such as Chess, lunch time activities, Dance Troupe, and through our Specialist learning programs Science, Chinese, PE and Performing Arts. 


The end of primary school brings a bittersweet excitement for new adventures tinged with a little sadness. For many students, Magill School has been their sole experience of schooling, while others have joined us throughout their primary school years. We thank our graduating students and their families for their contribution to our school. 


For those families whose relationship with Magill School ends this year, we thank you for allowing us to be a part of the journey in education with you and your child/ren. Education through the pivotal primary school years is a partnership with families and we truly feel that through these relationships students are the ultimate winners. 


Kasey Thorne

Assistant Principal