Library News

Dear Students and Staff,

I hope you have all been having a great start to the year. It has been great to meet many of our new students coming up to get their stamps and to find the library.

Here are some resources both for your personal reading and studies. 


Overdrive eBooks:

Our library subscribes to Overdrive, a service offering a great selection of both eBooks and eAudiobooks. Listening to eAudiobooks in particular is a great way to give your eyes a rest from the screen and have narrators tell a story.  

Link to Overdrive 


New Resources- WebLinks and ReadPlus


LinksPlus is a great resource of curated websites: you can search by keyword or learning area & subject to generate a list of curated websites coving your search topic. You can also filter results for secondary school level. Link to LinksPlus

Websites are reviewed and approved by teachers!





Username: JMSSLibrary

Password: JMSSLibrary2021


ReadPlus is a great resource to encourage students in their personal reading.

You can search for Fiction and film suggestions by genre, contains read similar and generate lists of current books on topics you enjoy. Please log in with the username and password above. Link to ReadPlus






Podcasts are another great way to hear all kinds of writing from fiction, non-fiction and poety- these podcasts from the New Yorker are particularly good:



New Yorker - The Writer’s Voice: Fiction from the Magazine

Once a month, this podcast offers a reading of a fiction story featured in past issues of The New Yorker. After each contributor reading, there’s a followup discussion with New Yorker fiction editor and host Deborah Treisman. Each episode brings the drama, passion, and spirit of the written word in fiction into full focus, making it the perfect aid for any high school English teacher.

New Yorker - Fiction Podcast

New Yorker - Poetry Podcast

Audio Literature Odyssey:  

Writer and voice actor Nikolle Doolin dives into classic literature with a sharp mind and a passionate heart, covering literary greats with readings that will bring an air of elegance into your classroom while letting students participate in smooth read-alongs. Each episode includes the full text, context about the work and author, and/or discussion starters.



A good challenge and a fun way to enjoy your personal reading is to start up a GoodReads account! You can start tracking what you’ve read and even challenge yourself with the Goodreads personal annual reading challenge. There is no pressure and it is a fun way to track your personal reading, seeing your online bookshelf is a great wat to see what kind of books you really enjoy and what you read most of. This can lead you to trying new genres and even suggested reads from GoodReads.

Link to GoodReads


ClickView library:


There is also a ClickView library dedicated to movies based on books and also to some book club videos where participants discuss specific books/writers and also talk about the writing process and/or our relationship with books.


This library can be found on ClickView by navigating to ClickView Digital Video Library/ Books, writers and writing.

Here is a direct link.



The SLV and Public Libraries:

Signing up to the State Library Victoria (SLV) is a really helpful resource and beneficial for your research. Signing up is free, can be done online and you will have access to all their databases and journals online.

Sign up to State Library Victoria (SLV) to become a member: Sign Up

1. free to join

2. access academic journal articles

Video 'Get to know State Library Victoria's online resources'


Please remember that public libraries have fantastic online resources. If you are already a member of your public library it is worth looking into what they can offer online and if you aren’t already a member you can sign up easily online to be a member and have immediate access to their online resources. Their online resources often include: eBooks and eAudiobooks, online magazine publications, subscriptions to services such as and video streaming services.


Resources to help with your studies:


Britannica School Online:

Britannica school is a great place to start when researching new areas of interest. You can find articles, images, dictionary definitions and videos which are all easy to cite using the inbuilt citation tool. To access Britannica School please use the link on the student portal as it is set up with automatic sign on.

Using Britannica School


Issues in Society:

We have the online .pdf versions of Issues in Society a very current and Australian focused publication which tackles interesting issues facing society in a graphic and easy to follow format with up to date statistics, illustrations and graphs. We also have the current issues in print at the library!

Here is a direct link to our site and it can also be found on the portal.

Charity and Giving vol. 461

Work and Family vol. 462

Epidemics and Pandemics vol. 463

Democracy in Australia vol. 464

Protecting your Privacy vol. 465

Wildlife Extinction Crisis vol. 466



Direct link to New Releases pdf

Australian Sky and Telescope:

We have started a new subscription to print copies of Australian Sky and Telescope. link to website hereThis is a great magazine for general interest and amateur astronomers."First published in 2005, Australian Sky & Telescope is Australasia’s most authoritative source for the latest developments in astronomy and space exploration. Published six times per year and utilising the formidable worldwide resources of its US parent magazine, Australian Sky & Telescope is considered a ‘bible’ by amateur astronomers." 

from Australian Sky and Telescope website



New Books at the library:



We have many new books at the library, many with Lamont Reviews. Lamont Reviews are great as they are well written reviews and curated titles that you are sure to enjoy.


Growing up disabled in Australia

Game Changer


The girl’s I’ve been

The sad Ghost Club


Here the whole time

The Magpie society


Library Book Club:

For any students interested we have a Library Book Club, we have started our fortnightly meetings on Tuesdays 15 minutes into lunchtime at the library. This is a great way to stay connected and to join in the discussion with other students who love to read, please let me (Ms. Veldsman) or our student book club leader Lisa Liu know if you would like to join!


February Book Review: The Testaments by Margaret Atwood



You may already have read ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ a classic novel by Margaret Atwood (or watched the fantastic series based on the novel). The Testaments continues the story of the Handmaid’s tale and is written from the point of view of three different women and sometimes their perspectives take you back in time. The novel uncovers many of the questions you might have had after finishing the quite open ended ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ and also pours light onto some inner working of the Gilead community. This sequel received some mixed reviews mainly because the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ is such a classic and success in its own right, if you enjoyed the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ I’d suggest reading this to enjoy this dystopian society for a little longer and maybe have some questions answered.  If you haven’t read the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’, definitely give it a read even if you’ve watched the series!


Wishing you all well and a strong start to 2021!


Take Care All!

Ms. Veldsman