A Word from the Prefects 

Artwork by Tom Pringuer, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Prefects of The Ridgeway Campus


Arts - Calum and Sara 

After a sadly distanced and too-often virtual year of the Arts in 2020, we’re really hoping we can revitalise the range of wonderful opportunities students should’ve had last year. Last year, we lost huge projects like the school play, the film project, and the 2021 musical. It’s also been too long since we revelled in the smaller events too, like the unforgettable Battle of the Bands. My request to students this year is, when these opportunities present themselves this year, get yourself and your friends involved! We’re going to need all hands on deck to make these projects as amazing as they should be for this upcoming year of much-needed community and student creativity. 


Global Engagement - Ben, Alice, Perrin and Jasmine 

For the 2021 school year, the Global Engagement Prefects are Alice Jasmine, Perrin and Ben, and we are super excited to be working as a team to engage the student body with issues of global significance within the school. We help to run the IDEALS committee, focusing on environmental and global initiatives, as well as running Global Forums and other international-related school events such as International Women’s Day events and NAIDOC week. We hope that together we can make a positive impact upon not only the local school community but also the wider world we are a part of!


Charities and Service - Bella and Ben L

The Charities and Service portfolio is among the most rewarding of the Prefect portfolios. Whether it’s running the weekly IDEALS Committee meetings (we’re always looking for new members!) or helping to organise major charity events like the upcoming The World’s Greatest Shave, there is always something to work on and look forward to in this role. So, if you’re interested in helping out in the local community, protecting the environment, or even being involved in global affairs, our portfolio and its initiatives is the place for you. 


Wellbeing and Health - Chris and Mia 

Mia Inglese and I (Chris Ross) are incredibly excited to have the opportunity to be the wellbeing Prefects for 2021. Throughout the year, we aim to begin works on projects which may result in new activities and opportunities for Ivanhoe students which will benefit their wellbeing. In particular, we have begun discussions in collaboration with the Sustainability Prefects (Ben R and Alice) on the possibility of a student-involved veggie garden for the school. Alongside this, we have plans for a year 10 subject selection presentation which should provide clearer information to Year 10 students on the differences between IB and VCE and different subjects within these programs. Finally, we welcome any suggestions from the student body on projects or changes to do with health and wellbeing at school. 


Sport - Freya and Nick 

This year is looking a bit different for us as sports Prefects however, we are still extremely keen to bring back sport! We are excited to be developing a stronger relationship between the First’s Sports Captains and the younger teams to hopefully help their transition into Year 7 sport and bring our love for sport to them. Although we currently cannot get down to support each other at games, we are still hoping this will be something that we can do later on in the year. We are also working to organise a lunchtime sporting game, which we hope to team up with the Service and Charities Prefects. 

Artwork by Joel Alberti, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Joel Alberti, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus


Sherwood - Rupert and Kiri 

Hi all, Sherwood House Prefects here, Kiri and Rupert! We just wanted to give a rundown on what we have plans for besides ensuring Sherwood takes home that trophy! It is extremely important, now more than ever, that students are getting out and participating in the activities and competitions that we missed out on last year. As much as it would be nice to win the championship trophy, we want to see, and emphasise, as much participation as possible, to make up for the tragedy that was last year! As House Prefects, we are trying to create and encourage activities that enable a wider variety of people to get in and be involved, so look forward to that!


Athelstane - Erin and Elliot 

Elliot and my vision for Athelstane 2021 is to create a supportive community. We aim to encourage participation in house events so we can help more students feel supported by their peers and feel more comfortable in our school community. Our aim this year is to create wellbeing and house events that students look forward to and enjoy, to take away from some pressures they can feel at school. By encouraging a community that supports one another and aims for all students to have fun and enjoy themselves we hope that students can find school more fun and part of the good memories they will remember at Ivanhoe. 


Lincoln - Zoe and Henry

Starting the year off with the swimming carnival was a great way to get everyone back into house spirit after the year we had last year. It was awesome to see everyone getting involved and most importantly having fun, which is what Henry and I believe is the most important aspect when participating in house activities. We are looking forward to the upcoming house activities like the House Athletics Carnival and we hope to further increase our participation and competitiveness as well as continuing to encourage Lincoln House to have fun and hopefully win the House Cup this year!


Thoresby - Maddy and Joe

As we all know, last year was not at all the type of year that we were expecting, as it further prevented us from getting involved in Ivanhoe’s House activities and carnivals. However, as we come into the new year, the Thoresby House Captains of 2021, Joe and I, are keen to reintroduce what the House events are all about! We are both happy to say that for Thoresby’s first main House event, the swimming carnival, although we may not have resulted in an overall win, we collectively as a House rose to the challenge and made the most of the day, with fantastic participation. With a great start to the year, we are both excited for what the rest of the year brings, as well as maintaining the mighty Thoresby House spirit that we all love. Bring on 2021!


Wider School Community - Archie, Alana, Beth, Georgia 

In the aftermath of last year, we as the Wider School Community Prefects will predominantly endeavour to encourage and increase participation within the School. Students missed out on numerous co-curricular experiences and cross-campus activities last year, so a major focus of our team will be to ensure students have access and feel empowered to challenge themselves through the activities the school has to offer. Furthermore, over the next year, our team will strive to create bridges between students, past and present, of our School, bringing together our community to celebrate life at Ivanhoe.


New and International Students - Sam, Zoe Z, Anson and Harriet

The New and International Student Prefect portfolio is all about making everyone feel a part of the wonderful culture we have at Ivanhoe in addition to celebrating the resplendence of other cultures. We are responsible for planning and enacting many events around the School such as recently selling 400 dumplings at the School House Swimming Carnival in celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year, with a further 400 sold on the Pancake Day. There are many more events we have planned by the likes of a new student pizza lunch, International Assembly, International food days and more to come.


Senior Years - Mia P, Alex, Amy, Jordan

Hello everyone, my name is Mia Papachristos and I am writing on behalf of the 2021 Senior Years Prefect Team. I would just like to preface this little ‘The Ivy Voice’ column by expressing Alex, Amy, Jordan and my excitement to undertake this role in 2021. We promise to do our best to make a positive impact on your lives at school! Our job is to organise Senior Years events such as Formal, Formal Video, Student Futures Night, Financial Literacy Programs and many more initiatives. Most importantly and above all, our job is to listen to you! If you have any suggestions for us or would like to get involved, feel free to reach out to us, or contact Mrs Di Ciocco. See you around school!

Artwork by Sara Suiter, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Sara Suiter, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Prefects of Plenty Campus 

Senior Years Prefects Plenty - Lexi and Jayden

As Senior Years Prefects of the Plenty Campus, we will strive to represent and encourage a positive and inclusive environment within Years 10 to 12. We are hoping to work closely with each of the year levels to ensure that we are really maximising our appointment to the position. Specifically, we are looking to guide the Year 10 students into good study habits preparing them for their VCE as well as supporting those Year 11 and 12 students through their VCE. We also intend to assist in supporting those of differences to ensure they feel accepted, supported, and safe at school.


Plenty Primary Prefects 

Lucy: I am so excited this year to be a primary school prefect! For me, this role includes making strong and meaningful connections with the kids in primary school and being a ‘big sister’ mentor for them throughout the year. Myself, Zali and Dan plan to join the kids in class, sports and many fun activities to help build a bond between us and the younger year levels. 

Zali: We recognise that the primary school kids look up to us as secondary students and so we believe that setting a good example is so important. Bringing the school together as one and getting to know each and every one of the primary school kids is one of our goals. We are excited to participate in their teddy bear picnic, musical, sports, activities and some of their every day classes to help and support them throughout this year in any way and every way that we can. 


Dan: our roles are to assist and make ourselves known among the primary year levels whether that be through visiting classrooms or helping out in events such as their athletics carnivals. This will hopefully help guide them to have a successful year and enjoy every aspect whilst building relationships with us as year 12s. Our job is also to make the primary kids feel more comfortable around the middle and senior years of the school, which no doubt will be an exciting challenge and rewarding opportunity.