Getting Loco with 

Mrs Di Ciocco

Artwork by Simona Veljanovski, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Interview conducted by Emilie and Harriet 


Emilie and Harriet: What is the best part about your position as Head of Senior Years at Ridgeway?

Mrs Di Ciocco: Without a doubt it is the students! From the simple day-to-day interactions in the yard to the more intense working with students in need of additional support, it is a privilege to share in their journey through Ivanhoe Grammar School with them. I am so proud of the relationships our Senior Years students have with their teachers and Mentors – knowing a student has someone in their corner to speak to about anything is pivotal in feeling safe, supported and empowered to face any hurdle. Speaking of Mentors, working with an incredible team of Heads of House and Deputy Heads of House also makes coming to work every day pretty special too!


E&H: What is a favourite memory of yours since being at Ivanhoe?

Mrs D: Oh wow, how does one decide! 

  1. Who can forget the ‘bus driver and bell’ chant from the Ivy Army? Which not only is a lot of fun, but the Ivy Army has been such a wonderful show of support from the student body for our sports championships and has definitely been missed due to COVID-19 restrictions. I look forward to when we can get it back off the ground again!
  2. The 2015 win by Athelstane at the Swimming Carnival was also pretty special – we all know Athelstane has struggled over the years to win House events so the see the whole of Years 7-12 cheer at the announcement on the day was incredible!
  3. My very first Anzac Service Assembly also stands out in my memories – of all the schools I have worked at I never experienced anything as special as what Ivanhoe does. It gave me goose bumps and it still does each year!

E&H: Your love for the Ivanhoe School uniform has been ever present, we were wondering if you had a uniform in high school and if so, could you please describe it to us? 

Mrs D: Sure did! I went to Mary MacKillop College in Adelaide. The summer dress was light blue. It had a strange belt attachment that nobody wore after their first day of Year 7! The winter uniform was also blue –but with a tartan pattern through it of navy and brown with a navy jumper and blazer. The sport uniform has since changed (thank goodness) because for some bizarre reason even though everything else was blue we had a fluro green sport dress with bright orange inserts at the bottom. 


E&H: What are your favourite and least favourite hairstyles which you have had? 

Mrs D: It’s a little embarrassing but maybe some of the other mums out there can relate?? My hair is naturally a little wavy but there was a trend of getting your hair permed back in the late 80s so of course I did too – disaster!! What was meant to be a head of soft curls turned into a full-on hairdo of very tight curls, which definitely did not suit me. Worst of all it took over a year to grow out!!


E&H: What is your favourite event in the School’s calendar and why?

Mrs D: If I had to pick just one it would definitely be the Valedictory. It is such a special night of celebration and reflection with the Year 12 students, their parents or guardians and the staff. 


E&H: With reference to the School’s tag-line, courageous and kind, we were wondering if you had any stories or examples where an Ivanhoe student has exemplified these characteristics and if you could tell us about it. 

Mrs D: Almost every day – because for me to be courageous and kind does not mean you have to be a superhero or do something different for a kindness day! It is the small things that everyone does every day that makes Ivanhoe what it is! From a person trying something new for the first time, to including someone in an activity that might be sitting on their own, to listening to a friend who is upset, to helping someone in their class with a maths problem, to just asking someone how they are and really listening to the response. 


E&H: Though you seem impartial to supporting any one House in particular, do you secretly love one House more than the other? 

Mrs D: So, from the moment I became Head of Senior Years I had a special top made to wear to all House carnivals that has all four colours on it so show my support for everyone equally. But it is confession time because deep down my blood bleeds yellow! My own boys went to Ivanhoe and they were in Athelstane – you will sometimes see me wear yellow laces at the carnivals as an extra sign of loyalty 😊



E&H: How should students make the most of their time at Ivanhoe?

Mrs D: Ivanhoe has so much to offer both in the classroom and out. When I speak with Year 12 students and those who have recently finished, the most common point of reflection is the things they tried over the years and the time spent with friends. Whether it be on a camp, or a fund-raising activity or the chats with teachers - so I just encourage students to try as many different things as they can and to sometimes just stop and reflect, put things into perspective, always try their best and have some fun along the way!


E&H: Do you have any words of wisdom for the readers of The Ivy Voice?

Mrs D: Always treat people how you want to be treated, have empathy, and know you are stronger than you think! What seems impossible can be achieved one step at a time!


I also love this, and I have it on a wall in my home – it captures so much!


LIVE …like heaven is on earth

LOVE … like you have never been hurt

LAUGH … like no one is listening

SING … like no one can hear

DANCE … like no one is watching

DREAM … like there are no impossibilities

PLAY … like there are no winners

GIVE … like you have plenty

SMILE … till your face hurts

CHERISH … your family and friends every day!



Now for some Mrs D Trivia!!

True or False … why not ask Mrs D next time you see her?


  1. Mrs D has a black belt in Karate
  2. Mrs D was 15 when she did Year 12
  3. Mrs D is a Carlton supporter
  4. Mrs D has broken her nose twice
  5. Mrs D’s school reports often said she was too talkative
  6. Mrs D’s favourite actor/performer is Hugh Jackman
  7. Mrs D loves listening to some ABBA classics