Editors' Address

Artwork by Ruby Shannon, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Hello everyone and thank you for reading the fourth edition of The Ivy Voice! 


In a bitter-sweet announcement, Harriet and I are retiring from our position of editors of The Ivy Voice, after four publications. We are so grateful for the experiences we have had creating The Ivy Voice and watching it grow from an idea into what it is today. It has been about a year since we had the idea and are so glad that with the help of teachers and students, we have been able to make this a reality. The process has been incredibly rewarding and we are so appreciative for all of the readers and contributors. 


In a further announcement, we have the pleasure of introducing our successors who have been learning the ropes of editing and organising throughout this edition: Avriel Das and Vangelis Matheou. 


We wish Avriel and Vangelis luck on their journey as editors!


Thank you so much for all of the support, if you have any questions about The Ivy Voice we would love to hear from you! We hope you find this edition a rewarding read. 

All the best,


Emilie McKenna and Harriet Thorpe, past editors of The Ivy Voice

Emilie - emcken21@igs.vic.edu.au

Harriet - hthorp21@igs.vic.edu.au



You are reading a truly collaborative edition of The Ivy Voice. The four of us have worked tirelessly to produce this fourth edition of the school’s student-run newspaper, which showcases fascinating content with an array of insightful articles.


We begin this edition with an interview featuring the founding Editors of the Ivy Voice, Emilie and Harriet, where we talked about how they were inspired to create The Ivy Voice for their CAS project. They bring us the first-hand experience of The Ivy pre-production and all the work that goes into putting together the school paper. For all future writers, journalists and reporters among us, this is a classic behind the scenes tour, from the pioneering editors.


We also have Ellie Adams (Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus) who interviewed Ivanhoe alumnus Mr Verrochi (1998) a well-known personality at The Ridgeway Campus, as Head of Year 8. Returning to the School as a teacher, he shares with Ellie, amazing stories on the origins of the School culture and traditions, which will surely surprise you.


Our captains—Lexie and Harrison (Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus), together with Frank and Bella (Year 12, Plenty Campus) in their article, have contributed great advice on how to have the greatest years at Ivanhoe Grammar School. It's more than a checklist of activities, it’s a roadmap to maximise the value of your school years.


The Ridgeway Campus Head of Senior Years, Mrs Di Ciocco, spoke with Emile and Harriet about her role, her memorable events at Ivanhoe and her interests. Did you know that Mrs Di Ciocco has a Black Belt in Karate or that she is a Carlton fan?


We also have our Global News, Term Reflections, News Around School and some special words from our Prefects, which will be sure to engage you, the reader.


Of course, we would like to thank our readers, journalists and artists – your support is the reason The Ivy Voice can thrive. We would like to thank Emilie and Harriet for entrusting us to be the successors of The Ivy Voice- we hope we can carry on your legacy and live up to your expectations.


As Emilie and Harriet mentioned, we would love to receive any feedback, comments and questions about the Ivy Voice and even Letters to the Editor.


Please enjoy this edition of the Ivy Voice and do not hesitate to contact either of us.


Avriel Das and Vangelis Matheou, Editors of The Ivy Voice


Avriel - adas23@igs.vic.edu.au

Vangelis - vmathe23@igs.vic.edu.au