Year 9/10

Meet the Year 9/10 Leaders
Year 9 & 10 Coordinator - Mr. Stephen Brooks
I’m a born and bred Barooga boy whose career prior to teaching was exporting Australian wheat. In that role I lived overseas for 11 years based in Singapore, Canada and Germany in that time. Happily returning to Australia a few years ago I completed a Masters in Teaching at Melbourne University and also run a Pomegranate orchard on the farm with my partner of 15 years. I have loved being a Year Level Leader for 9 and 10 at Cobram Secondary College and helping students achieve their dreams, and also become good people.
Year 9/10 Support Coordinator - Miss Lauren Scott
I moved to Cobram in 2014 and started teaching at Cobram Secondary College. Before this I lived in Ballarat where I went to the University of Ballarat studying teaching to become a Physical Education, Humanities and Outdoor Education teacher. I also lived and worked in the United States of America for 12 months working at Camp Modin in Maine. I lived at the Camp and spent everyday teaching students how to canoe, kayak, rock climb, zip line and led hiking camps. Since then I have been teaching here in Cobram and have taught and co-ordinated almost every year level. I really enjoy teaching and in particular being a VCE teacher as I love helping students to develop their skills and achieve their best. I also become and enjoy being a coordinator as I love helping students achieve their goals especially beyond their high school years and helping them to believe that they can achieve anything they set out to achieve.
Student in focus
Name: Bella Hart
Year level: 10
Favourite subject: Health and Human Development and Fitness and Training
Best thing about being back to school: Seeing my friends and getting back into a routine
Looking forward to this year: Advance camps
Future ambition/aspiration: Travelling the world
Name: Ethan Brooks “Brooksy”
Year Level: Year 9
Favourite subject: P.E
Best thing about being back at school: “Getting to see my mates again, and the teachers after the holidays”
Looking forward to this year: “Really looking forward to school sports, and also the advance camp”
Your future ambition/aspiration: “I want to be an engineer”