Year 7/8

What a fabulous start to 2021! It’s been lovely to see our newly renovated and now recently painted Year 7 and 8 Learning Resource Centre full of smiling faces and an air of excitement.
We’ve welcomed our Year 7 students to CSC and it has been one of our best primary school to secondary school transitions! These students are a credit to their former schools and their parents. It’s been fantastic to see them settle into their learning routines so well and reunite with old friends and meet new ones. Both year groups are excited for their focus day to the Flying Fruit Fly Circus in Albury next week.
We look forward to working with these young people and making the LRC an environment where all students can learn and grow both academically, socially and emotionally. We can see the great potential already!
Each week we will feature one of the many students from both year 7 and year 8 who have upheld the values of the school. Today, we will hear from Makayla Hughes (Y7) and Noah Good (Y8). Makayla was the only student from her primary school to come to CSC and despite being nervous at first, she has shown great resilience and already made some good friendships. Noah received two green entries in the space of 4 days – one for helping a classmate with their work and another for being super focused and engaged during science class.
Meet the Year 7/8 Leaders
Year 7 & 8 Coordinator - Mrs Suzanne Couchman
Born: Gippsland Victoria Australia
Educated: Traralgon High School
Bachelor Education Secondary – Ballarat University
Grad. Dip. Welfare - Melbourne University
Masters Education – Monash University
Teaching Experience: Melbourne, Bendigo, Nottingham UK, Echuca, Shepparton, Cobram
Married to husband Ron
Mother of two boys Zach and Nicholas who live and work in Melbourne
Likes: Making a positive difference in teaching and learning with young people, Travel, Exercising in the morning, Eating good food, Sport, Theatre and Arts.
Dislikes: People with a ‘glass half full’ attitude to life.
Motto I live by…… ‘When the going gets tough….. the tough get going’.
Year 7 & 8 Support Coordinator
Miss Hayley Strickland
I’m Hayley and I graduated from The University of Melbourne a couple of years ago. Before then, I was living and working in London and traveling around Europe. I’ve been at CSC for a year and a half now and I am super excited to begin my role as one of the year 7 and 8 year level leaders. One of my favourite things about being a teacher is learning about the students and their interests and hopes for the future. As both a teacher and a YLL, I see my role as ensuring that all students have the opportunity to reach their potential and enjoy their time at school. So far, I’ve enjoyed planning the upcoming focus days for both year levels and helping our students settle into their learning routine in the LRC. I also love teaching my Y12 psych class! I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to the year and if I can help with anything just let me know!
3 minutes with…Makayla Hughes
Year: 7C
Favourite subject: Science with Mr Jones
The most interesting thing I’ve learnt this week: How to use a Bunsen burner
Random act of kindness I’ve noticed: One of my classmates held the front gate open for other people in the morning.
Most enjoyable class activity at school recently: Going swimming at Cobram Outdoor Pool with my PE/Health class
Something happening outside of school that I’m excited about: My new puppy, Alice.
What I’m looking forward to: Our focus day at flying Fruit Fly Circus
Wise words: Say “hi” to new people
3 minutes with…Noah Good
Year: 8C
Favourite subject: Science with Mr Allan
The most interesting thing I’ve learnt this week: How to use a microscope
Random act of kindness I’ve noticed: My classmates inviting new students to hang out with them during break times
Most enjoyable class activity at school recently: Looking at organisms, like rats, under a microscope
Something happening outside of school that I’m excited about: My friend’s birthday party
What I’m looking forward to: PE activities
Wise words: Keep your head, smile bright and know that you are beautiful