Principal's Report

Every student matters, every staff member cares, every opportunity taken...
Our motto isn’t just words on a wall. Our motto forms the core beliefs and values of our Cobram Secondary College community, and guides our actions.
Our school is transformed – physically & in attitude
2021 has been a great year so far. Students arrived back to a school that
Every student matters
We farewelled our 2020 year 12’s in style this year, with a formal graduation ceremony on 8 February, with parents and students. Our students have so much to be proud of, 100% of students who applied to go to University were offered a place. A whopping 14/28 of our students will be the first in their families to enter university and many more are following the footsteps of their siblings to head to university.. We have a number of students who have started apprenticeships or traineeships. Congratulations to you all, you’ve done so much to get where you’re going.
I posed the question to students watching our graduates. What will we say about you when you’re standing here for your graduation ceremony?
Our staff are encouraging our student to take every opportunity that comes their way.
I caught up with a number of students and asked the question What will we say about you in 6 year’s time (on the day of your graduation)? This is what they said:
Year 7’s
Heba Alrubayi – I’m going to be like Baneen, I’m going to go to university – I keep changing my mind about what I’ll study.
Ruby Noonan – I’m going to go to University. I don’t know what I’ll do yet.
Tess Hancock – I love animals. If I can work in something to do with animals, I’d be happy.
Fatimah Albraheem becoming a doctor is my dream
Makayla Hughes. I’m going to be a Vet
Dylan Modderkolk –I’m going to be a farmer.
Year 9’s – what will we say about you in 4 years time?
Kane Rattray-Roberts - I’m going to be an electrician. I’m also going to play in the Sheffield Shield.
Year 12’s – what will we say about you next year?
Tayla Humpries, I’ll be heading to University to do Vet studies.
Every Opportunity taken
I’m thrilled about the start to the school year by all of our students. Students are carrying themselves with pride and showing a level of commitment to their studies and our school. They are enjoying the new refurbished areas of the school – the deck & lawn and W-Wing. I’m looking forward to the learning growth of our students. PAT testing is taking place for our students in Literacy and Numeracy over the next couple of weeks.
We are looking to reward our students’ positive attitude with upcoming focus days. Students with excellent behaviour and work habits in year 7&8 have an excursion to the Flying Fruit Fly Circus in Albury next week.
Attendance – one of the best predictors of student learning growth is attendance. It’s difficult for students to show learning growth if they do not attend school. Please ensure that appointments made during school hours are limited and your child attends school on time, every day.
Student Leaders
Our student leaders have made an impressive start. They have already taken part in a 2-day leadership development session and attended school during the holidays to organise their activities for the term. They have been active around the school and in the wider community – volunteering at the Cobram Community Cinema, volunteering in our canteen and attending meetings with community groups.
Our House leaders have an expanded role this year, with the expectation that they will work as ambassadors of the school and representative of students. All student leaders will be visiting Illuminate sessions on a Monday to get to know our students & find out the issues of concern and points of celebration.
School tours are ON
We are proud of the changes to our school during 2020 and over summer and would like to show off our new-look school.
We welcome visitors to the school – please contact Anne-Marie Hindle to book a school tour.