Canteen & Uniform News 

Canteen News

Friday 11th December is the last day for lunch orders for 2020. 

Window sales will be available during the last week of term.

Uniform News

The Uniform Shop will now be open for counter sales on Monday December 7th,  3-4pm. 

Visitors must sign in via the Compass Kiosk and social distancing requirements may mean delays in service, so please allow extra time for onsire uniform purchases.

24-hour service for online orders is still available through Flexischools.

The Uniform Shop will close on Friday 11/12 and reopen late January.


Delivery is expected next week and will distribute the orders in the same timeline as we received them. 

A second delivery will be coming early next year to fill any remaining orders.

Karen Cyster  -  Canteen & Uniform Shop Manager